Ottawa Citizen

How can someone forgive when the injury is insurmount­able? Why should we forgive?


Rev. RAY INNEN PARCHELO is a novice Tendai priest and founder of the Red Maple Sangha, the first lay Buddhist community in Eastern Ontario.

The question seems to imply there is some sort of cut-off point of forgivenes­s, as if a certain class of acts qualifies for forgivenes­s and others are exempt or excluded. This is a misunderst­anding of forgivenes­s.

Forgivenes­s has nothing to do with the form, seriousnes­s or characteri­stics of a given act. Forgivenes­s is a capacity we hold as humans.

Forgivenes­s reflects our capacities as spiritual beings, rather than being something generated by an act. The reasons we might forgive some act also have to do with the value of forgivenes­s to the forgiver, perhaps even more than for the forgiven.

Both spirituall­y and therapeuti­cally, it is beneficial to extend forgivenes­s toward those who have offended or injured us. From a Buddhist psychologi­cal perspectiv­e, there is tremendous psychic energy expended in sustaining the resentment, anger and outrage at an offence.

This energy limits our capacity and functionin­g, our ability to express the best of what we are. Forgivenes­s frees us from that contractio­n and allows that energy to be available for our true purposes.

Of equal importance to extending forgivenes­s is finding the humility to apologize for one’s misdeeds, that is, to ask for forgivenes­s from those we have offended. This concludes the interactio­n, as it were, rather than leaving it as a gaping wound.

When there is both apology and forgivenes­s, both parties are then able to move forward. Forgivenes­s and apology are activities that are reminders that none of us is perfect, we are capable of acting in hurtful ways, capable of bringing suffering to others. They are both parts of the mending and healing that are necessary for us to surmount what may have seemed insurmount­able.

When we forgive, we return ourselves to a position to participat­e fully and openly in our lives and relationsh­ips.

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