Ottawa Citizen

Allen Abel on ET in D.C.,


Why is Lester Pearson’s 89-year-old former Minister of National Defence coming to Washington next week to testify before a make-believe “Congressio­nal hearing” as to the existence — and multiple visits to Earth — of Little Green Men (not to mention Tall White Dudes) from Outer Space?

“Because this is the third-most important issue facing humankind after global warming and changing the monetary system,” says the Hon. Paul Hellyer. It is the eve of what is being billed as “the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an Extraterre­strial Presence Engaging the Human Race.” (Tagline: “If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.”) Hellyer, the former Liberal, Tory and Independen­t MP who first sat in Parliament in 1949, will be arguing — hardly for the first time — that, as he tells me by phone from his home in Toronto, not only has ET been here, “there are more than one species, in fact there are several species.

“There has been collaborat­ion between one or more of them with the U.S. government and the U.S. Defense Department. They’ve been sharing technology, some of which they wouldn’t want the public to know about. Not only anti-gravity machines, but also diabolical weapons — so many things that will affect the future of humankind.”

“Why didn’t you ask them about this when you were Minister of National Defence?” I ask.

“I’d never heard about this at that time,” he answers.

Alien intelligen­ce, Paul Hellyer says, “is like a scroll that opens up in both directions; it has no end, it goes on and on. There are people from other dimensions, too, and a lot of them have visited Earth and they still do. Some of them look very much like us. The species we call the ‘ Tall Whites’ have been seen shopping in Las Vegas.”

Hellyer is not alone in his certainty that we are not alone. Last month, a polling firm in North Carolina sampled 1,000 Americans on various outre subjects and discovered that 21 per cent agree that a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 was covered up by the U. S. government, and that 29 per cent concur with the rather amorphous propositio­n that “aliens exist.”

(When asked, “Do you believe that shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies, or not?” only 88 per cent said that they do not.)

 ??  ?? Paul Hellyer in 2004: The ramificati­ons of revelation­s about visiting aliens would be enormous, says the former Canadian politician.
Paul Hellyer in 2004: The ramificati­ons of revelation­s about visiting aliens would be enormous, says the former Canadian politician.

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