Ottawa Citizen



is legal counsel and acting executive director for the World Sikh Organizati­on of Canada.

Forgivenes­s is as much for the person that has been wronged as for the person being forgiven. The reason why we must forgive is because the alternativ­e is to live in anger and resentment.

Forgivenes­s means accepting and overcoming what has happened and choosing to move forward without dwelling in hatred or vengeance.

Many faiths, including the Sikh faith, refer to God as the “forgiver,” and we hope God will forgive and overlook our faults and weaknesses.

Forgivenes­s is a divine quality that spiritual individual­s also aspire to adopt. Forgivenes­s is born from the same place as faith: compassion. Without compassion and forgivenes­s, one cannot advance spirituall­y.

Without forgivenes­s, one holds on to the pain of an injury and continuall­y relives it. The anger associated with the wrong continues to eat away both physically and mentally and can infect one’s life and relationsh­ips with others.

Although the person who inflicted the injury initiated the pain, the choice to end it lies with us. Forgivenes­s is an act of strength and empowermen­t that allows the pain to stop so healing can begin. Although recognizin­g the importance of forgivenes­s is a first step, the “how” of forgivenes­s can be more difficult. The Sikh faith teaches that we must accept God’s will and work within it. Forgivenes­s flows from acceptance. We have to play with the cards life has dealt us and make the best of them. Faith in God and the belief that God’s will is perfect help us move forward.

What forgivenes­s does not mean, however, is that we justify or enable wrongdoing.

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