Ottawa Citizen

City slashes summer jobs for students

- David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen

Students looking for work in the city government this summer will have a harder time finding it.

Figures the city withheld from the Citizen until after city council approved its 2014 budget Wednesday show that more than one-third of the jobs the city is cutting — 41 out of 147 — are for summer students. But that’s measured in “full-time equivalent­s,” a measure that counts one job as one person working full-time for one year. If a standard summer job lasts three to four months and includes full-time hours, the number of actual summer positions that will be gone is somewhere between 120 and 160. If the jobs are only part-time, it’ll be even higher.

The budget leaves 377 full-time equivalent jobs for summer students, the city says, down from a high of 423 two years ago.

The cuts are in nearly every part of the government, though the department­s that hire the most students — parks and recreation, and public works — are also seeing the biggest reductions, with 15 full-time-equivalent­s cut in the parks department (leaving 224) and 12 cut in the publicwork­s department (leaving 84).

Proportion­ately, the department­s taking the biggest hits are those that hire summer students for higherskil­led jobs, often from programs that specifical­ly train people to work in government, such as the urban-planning department and the environmen­tal-services department. The planning department has cut six out of 16 full-time equivalent­s from its summer hiring in the past two years and the environmen­t department has gone from 20 full-time equivalent­s to just seven.

Nobody but the students looking for work will notice a difference, said deputy city manager Steve Kanellakos in an email relayed by the city’s communicat­ions department. “Through the budget process, all City department­s have looked at ways to identify efficienci­es within their budgets,” he wrote. “All of the recommende­d FTE reductions, including the summer student positions, will not have an impact on service delivery to residents.”

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