Ottawa Citizen

Friend keeps up phoney baby story


Dear Abby: A friend of mine faked a pregnancy to get a man to stay with her. Once he moved in, she told him she’d had a miscarriag­e. She even went so far as to name this so-called baby.

He now has the baby’s name tattooed on his arm! She goes on Facebook and talks about how she misses her “little baby boy,” and counts every month as though it is his birthday. Every time I read it I get a sick feeling.

I want to tell this man the truth. I know for a FACT she was not pregnant. I’m not sure how to go about this. If I say something, I know I will end up the bad guy. Should I mind my own business or let this man know he’s living with a maniac? Wants To Tell The Truth Dear Wants: Your friend may have told this lie so often that she has come to believe it herself. Or, she may be acting this out in order to hang onto the man. While I don’t think she is a maniac, I do think she may be unbalanced.

The way to do it is face-to-face. And be prepared for the friendship to end afterward. Frankly, that may be for the best because the woman has more problems than you can cope with. Dear Abby: My husband and I have recently moved and are now being bombarded with demands to see our home. I was brought up to believe that inviting yourself to anything, especially the privacy of someone’s home, is extremely rude.

I understand our family is excited for us, and it is nice to be loved but our home isn’t ready to be shown, and people won’t give up! Please advise me how to say “no” without offending those who are offending me. Etiquette-Bound Homeowner In Kansas Dear Homeowner: I’ll offer a tip. It is amazing what a person can get away with saying if it is done with a smile. All you have to do is smile and say, “Nope. NO ONE can see it until the unveiling.” And remember, it isn’t rude to stand your ground when someone is trying to encroach upon it. Even family members. Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, daughter of Pauline Phillips, the original Dear Abby. Write Abby at or c/o The Ottawa Citizen, Box 5020, Ottawa, K2C 3M4. For a reply, send a self-addressed envelope. Abby covers postage. Include name and phone number if you want your letter published.

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