Ottawa Citizen

Celebratin­g the written word and all its hard-won freedoms

- CRAIG KIELBURGER Craig Kielburger is a social activist and best-selling author who has inspired a generation of young people to be active global change makers as co-founder of Free The Children and We Day.

In the frigid pre-dawn blackness, a line of prisoners stumbled through snow and ice, driven onward by blows from their Nazi overseers. As he marched, Viktor Frankl focused on thoughts of his wife and miraculous­ly found peace and hope.

“I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplat­ion of his beloved.”

Frankl, a Jewish psychiatri­st, tells this powerful story in his 1946 book, Man’s Search for Meaning, a chronicle of his time in the Auschwitz death camp.

In it, he helps the reader find meaning in life, even in the face of the worst horror and suffering.

I have always found inspiratio­n in books. And this week, along with four other Canadians, I will square off on CBC’s Canada Reads, each of us promoting the one Canadian-penned book we think breaks down barriers and everyone in the country needs to read.

I’ve realized Canada Reads is more than just a literary faceoff, a nerdy take on Survivor. It’s a celebratio­n of a freedom we all too often take for granted — the freedom to read books.

I’ll be speaking for another book that has inspired me: Thomas King’s The Inconvenie­nt Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America. There will be a spirited exchange of words and ideas and, one by one, four books will be voted off until only one remains.

Over the course of some predebate interviews, I was asked about the books that have had the most impact on me. As I named them it struck me that the three most important books of my life were all affected by censorship.

Man’s Search for Meaning was never a banned book. But it was written in the aftermath of a regime that thrived on censorship. On one night alone in 1933, the Nazis torched 20,000 books they found objectiona­ble.

To this day, a discreet but haunting memorial marks where they burned — a single pane of glass, set in the cobbleston­es of an open square in the heart of Berlin. Beneath is a barren white room lined with empty bookshelve­s.

Nelson Mandela’s autobiogra­phy, Long Walk to Freedom, has inspired, not just me, but people around the world with the story of Mandela’s journey from firebrand militant to peacemaker and statesman. As with Frankl’s book, Mandela’s personal story was born of censorship. Until its fall, South Africa’s apartheid regime rigidly controlled what could and could not be published. Mandela began writing while still in Robben Island prison, scribbling notes on tiny pieces of paper when the guards weren’t looking. Friends smuggled the papers out. They were compiled in book form years later when the fist of government censorship finally unclenched.

Like so many teens, a younger me connected with J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, finding solace and kinship in protagonis­t Holden Caulfield’s struggles with alienation and identity.

For over 50 years, Salinger’s classic was declared persona non grata in many libraries and schools across North America for a plethora of perceived offences, from vulgar language, to overt sexuality, to encouragem­ent of youth rebellion. As recently as 2009, it appeared on the list of the most-challenged books in the United States.

I am reminded of Catcher as I read about the controvers­y hanging over one of the Canada Reads books, When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid.

There’s a petition afoot to strip the young adult novel of its Governor General’s Literary Award because of its “vulgar language” and adult themes.

But here’s what struck me — even among those who want to revoke the award, no one has called for the book to be banned. That speaks volumes about our country, and Canadians’ respect for the role of the written word in a healthy democracy.

So to all my Canada Reads opponents I say, bring it on. Together we’ll celebrate one of Canada’s greatest freedoms, the freedom to read a great book.

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Nelson Mandela

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