Ottawa Citizen

Plan Sparks talk of a revival

Would allowing motor traffic to flow on Sparks Street help to revitalize it?

- DON BUTLER dbutler@ottawaciti­

In the beginning, it was good. The Sparks Street Mall, Canada’s first pedestrian-only street, was chocka-block with department stores and other retail shops. For a time, it bustled.

The decline began with the rise of suburban malls and gained momentum with the constructi­on of the Rideau Centre. One by one, Sparks Street’s department stores closed. Properties were left empty, sometimes for years. Scaffoldin­g went up and stayed up. The massive government buildings on the street’s north side were perpetuall­y being renovated, or so it seemed.

Today, the street is a shadow of its former self: deserted after the public servants go home for the day, desolate in winter. Aside from a handful of popular pubs and the odd festival celebratin­g poutine or grilled ribs, there is little to attract anyone there.

Les Gagné, who was dismissed from his job as executive director of the Sparks Street Business Improvemen­t Area last November, calls it “a sorry excuse for a pedestrian promenade.”

All of which raised the question: Would reopening Sparks to motor vehicles help revitalize the moribund pedestrian mall?

A National Capital Commission’s advisory committee appears to think it could. The advisory committee on planning, design and realty — composed of experts in real estate developmen­t, planning, urban design, architectu­re and landscape architectu­re — provided feedback last year on a Public Works and Government Services Canada demonstrat­ion plan for properties along the south side of Wellington and the north side of Sparks streets between Elgin and Bank streets.

The demonstrat­ion plan is part of an urban design master plan developed by Public Works that provides a vision, guiding principles and design guidelines for the redevelopm­ent of the three blocks over the next 50 years.

According to draft minutes of its meeting in February 2014 released to the Citizen under access to informatio­n, the advisory committee made several suggestion­s following a presentati­on on the demonstrat­ion plan. The most striking was to examine the reintroduc­tion of vehicular traffic “in order to animate” Sparks Street.

It’s hardly the first time someone has raised the idea since the street was permanentl­y closed to vehicular traffic in 1967.

“My understand­ing is pretty much ever since they closed the street, they’ve been thinking about reopening it in some form or another,” says Kevin McHale, event and programmin­g co-ordinator for the Sparks Street BIA.

The last time the BIA and the Sparks Street Mall Authority actively pursued the idea was about five years ago, McHale says. “There were presentati­ons to the NCC and Public Works and the City of Ottawa. But that’s pretty much where it ended.”

The idea of putting cars back on Sparks Street keeps coming up, McHale says, “because a lot of the pedestrian areas in North America have opted to have an off-season, where they do put vehicular traffic on the street again.”

Indeed. The NCC advisory committee pointed out there were “many examples” around the world of pedestrian malls that have welcomed back motor vehicles. It specifical­ly cited Chicago, where the city government axed a nine-block pedestrian mall on State Street in 1996 after a 17-year failed experiment. The street has thrived ever since.

But there’s no sign that Ottawa’s signature pedestrian mall will follow suit any time soon.

“No considerat­ion has been given to reopening the street to motor vehicle traffic,” says Vivi Chi, the city’s manager of transporta­tion planning. The city doesn’t even have an official record of a request to do so, Chi says.

Coun. Catherine McKenney, whose Somerset ward includes the Sparks Street Mall, has “absolutely no desire” to open the street to vehicular traffic. “To me, that’s creating a car mall, and we’ve got lots of those.”

McKenney would welcome a cycle lane on the mall, however, “so people will at least get on their bikes and move through.”

One person who likes the idea of opening up Sparks Street to vehicles is Gagné. “If it’s managed properly, having some vehicular traffic on that street would be a real complement to the businesses and the whole dynamic of Sparks Street,” he says. “At the end of the day, the pedestrian takes priority. But in the off-season, when there’s very little traffic, I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to have some kind of vehicular traffic down there. I think it makes sense.”

Gagné points to the Stephen Avenue Walk in Calgary — an outdoor pedestrian walkway between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. that converts to a one-way, single-lane roadway with parking from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. — as an example of the type of hybrid approach Sparks Street could consider.

The city has jurisdicti­on over the roadway, but would consult with “stakeholde­rs in the area” prior to making any planning decisions about Sparks Street, said Rick O’Connor, the city solicitor and clerk.

Those stakeholde­rs include the NCC and Public Works, whose mandate includes the management of the buildings along the north side of Sparks between Elgin and Bank streets. The department has no jurisdicti­on beyond the buildings.

If the city decided to proceed with a traffic initiative on Sparks Street, Public Works “would examine potential implicatio­ns at that time,” the department said in an email.

Sparks Street’s appeal as a pedestrian mall has been degraded over the years by the departure of retail anchors and bad planning, such as the decision to build the CBC Ottawa broadcast centre — which Gagné describes as “200 feet of dead space” — on the mall. “That killed block three between O’Connor and Bank,” he says.

“It’s no longer the mall that somebody envisioned. That’s why the introducti­on of a lot more animation, a lot more events, maybe even vehicular traffic, are the kinds of things you now have to look at. Because what you designed originally is nothing like what we have today. The whole makeup of the street has to change.”

McKenney agrees that Sparks Street has challenges, and has for years. “Right now, it doesn’t really serve the community,” she says. Though the street has some life during the day, when office workers spill out onto it, “as soon as they go home, it empties out.

“I’ve always said that it won’t become a real, livable, active street until people live there,” McKenney says.

The NCC’s advisory committee agrees. It says Public Works should encourage residentia­l use in its plan for the three blocks between Elgin and Bank streets “or the downtown core will not change and become more vibrant.”

 ?? JULIE OLIVER/OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Sparks Street can look rather desolate at the end of the work day when office staff go home. A National Capital Commission advisory committee thinks it’s time motor vehicular traffic was allowed to return to the site, to bring the area to life.
JULIE OLIVER/OTTAWA CITIZEN Sparks Street can look rather desolate at the end of the work day when office staff go home. A National Capital Commission advisory committee thinks it’s time motor vehicular traffic was allowed to return to the site, to bring the area to life.
 ??  ?? Jonathan Denis, owner of Routine Poutine restaurant in Gatineau The people at Sparks Street right now are doing a pretty good job. There’s a lot of pretty solid events being done at Sparks Street. I think that they innovate and they push all the time...
Jonathan Denis, owner of Routine Poutine restaurant in Gatineau The people at Sparks Street right now are doing a pretty good job. There’s a lot of pretty solid events being done at Sparks Street. I think that they innovate and they push all the time...
 ??  ?? Nara Un, 27, Coffee Specialist at Nespresso I think if they brought it more youthful things, it would bring more a younger crowd as well as more families. For example, PoutineFes­t brings in families. Street festivals like the Buskerfest bring more...
Nara Un, 27, Coffee Specialist at Nespresso I think if they brought it more youthful things, it would bring more a younger crowd as well as more families. For example, PoutineFes­t brings in families. Street festivals like the Buskerfest bring more...
 ??  ?? Ian Wright, 56, Co-owner of The Showgoose Ltd. (store on Sparks Street) The BIA has been doing some good work to liven Sparks Street. It should keep adding lots of flowers and festivals, and publicize what’s going on.
Ian Wright, 56, Co-owner of The Showgoose Ltd. (store on Sparks Street) The BIA has been doing some good work to liven Sparks Street. It should keep adding lots of flowers and festivals, and publicize what’s going on.
 ??  ?? Chanda Samuels, 27, works at Carleton University cafeteria I don’t think a lot of people know about the events that happen so maybe do more promotion and advertisin­g of the stuff might bring people in instead.
Chanda Samuels, 27, works at Carleton University cafeteria I don’t think a lot of people know about the events that happen so maybe do more promotion and advertisin­g of the stuff might bring people in instead.

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