Ottawa Citizen

This week’s budget completes the Harper comeback


Budget week in Ottawa is a ritual that always disappoint­s. So much foreplay, so little climax, even with a $290 billion money shot. But why would we get pleasure from a poorly written 518-page anvil falling on our head? Can I have that in a tweet, please? It’s our own damn fault for reading so much into a document that hardly ever gets read. That doesn’t mean this budget won’t have a lasting impact.

After years of deficits, Stephen Harper did as expected and placed his re-election chips on black by delivering a surplus. As someone who had the joy of first briefing the press that the deficit would be somewhere north of ginormous in 2009, it warmed my heart to see things level(ish). And as someone who now lives in a country whose annual deficit is within shouting distance of $100 billion, it’s an accomplish­ment of which the government should be proud.

Of course, the prime minister will have to wait six months to see if his budget bet pays off. That’s fine, he’s a patient man. This week’s bet does have a more immediate benefit for the Conservati­ve leader: it will force Justin Trudeau to play his hand. And how Trudeau reacts could be more important for Harper’s re-election prospects than any budget bauble.

Trudeau has already said he’d can the government’s incomespli­tting proposal, and now he’s said he’d do away with the increase to TFSAs and would likely do the same with the decrease in small business taxes. That’s a lot of parents, savers, and small-business owners to upset. That sound you’re hearing is the summer advertisin­g machine being cranked up at Conservati­ve HQ. I’ll eat my short pants if the party doesn’t cram that record down Justin Trudeau’s throat during the BBQ circuit. And cram they must. An incumbent prime minister’s challenge – especially one that’s been bellied up to the bar of power for nearly ten years - is to make the upcoming election about choices, and not his or her record against some utopia. Over the winter the prime minister enjoyed some success in taking the shine off Justin Trudeau (thanks, largely, to Justin Trudeau); this week’s budget was designed to dull him even more.

As Madame Terri-Jean Bedford knows, this prime minister doesn’t do bondage, but this week’s budget did contain a pair of handcuffs. The prime minister is trying to force Trudeau and Mulcair into either fighting with their hands tied behind their back by accepting current spending levels, or cutting themselves free by pledging to cancel programs or raising taxes to fund new spending. Either way, the prime minister increases his odds of winning his re-election fight.

Justin Trudeau’s preferred battlegrou­nd is one on which Harper knocks himself out. Two years ago, at the height of the Duffy mess, it looked as though the prime minister might have punched his own ticket to retirement. This week’s budget completes the comeback.

In addition to cuffing the opposition, this year’s budget also courts key voter blocks, including parents, seniors and securityty­pes. To complain about this, as Trudeau did in his post-budget scrum, is to miss the point of politics. Come to think of it, it must pain Trudeau that families like his (young couple, three kids) are squarely in Tory tax relief sights.

Trudeau’s more considered line is that the budget benefited the rich over the middle class, a claim many of the 10+ million TFSA users will find hard to believe. Besides, this kind of rhetoric doesn’t have much of a heritage north of the 49th parallel; Canadians aren’t lorded over by plutocrats and they aren’t the type to roam the streets with pitchforks looking for rich folk to stick in the neck.

But even if he stacks the deck, tilts the playing field, and ties his opponents’ hands behind their backs, the prime minister still has a lot of baggage weighing him down. You don’t bash your way through ten years of government without losing swathes of the electorate. Those who don’t like Harper, don’t like him a lot.

And then there are events, my dear boy, events.

There are some things the prime minister can’t control. Vladimir Putin could decide to add another country to his collection.

The Greeks could take their drachmas and go home. ISIS jihadis could strike again on home soil. Mike Duffy could explode in courtroom 33. Save the latter, these are all things that play to the incumbent’s strengths.

Justin Trudeau must be wondering when he’s going to catch a break.

After so much Trudeau foreplay, it would be crushing to the Liberal party if their leader failed to deliver their return to the promised land of government.

Some might call it anti-climactic.

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