Ottawa Citizen

Judge revisits chemo ruling

Aboriginal treatments respected, but child’s interests must come first


The legal wrangling has ended, but debate about a young aboriginal girl’s cancer treatment is likely to continue unchecked after new revelation­s about her condition emerged Friday at an extraordin­ary court hearing.

The girl had been in remission from leukemia, but the cancer returned last month and she has resumed chemothera­py, seven months after rejecting it in favour of native remedies and other alternativ­e care, her lawyer said.

As the patient and her mother looked on, the judge who first ruled on the case in November then took the rare step of agreeing to change his decision at the request of lawyers involved in the affair.

The ruling controvers­ially concluded the girl’s family had a constituti­onal right to choose traditiona­l native medicine over convention­al treatment for cancer. It was modified Friday to stress that a child’s best interests must always be paramount in such situations, though traditiona­l treatments should still be respected.

Afterwards, Justice Gethin Edward capped the unusual session — it is almost unheard of for a court to adjust its ruling long after the fact — by coming down from the bench to talk with the girl, her family, lawyers and others involved.

“This is a good day,” he said with a smile to Chief Ava Hill of Six Nations.

Evidence suggests that between 70 and 90 per cent of child leukemia patients can be cured with convention­al treatment that includes chemothera­py; without it, the disease is usually a death sentence, medical experts say.

Another aboriginal girl, Makayla Sault from neighbouri­ng New Credit First Nation, died in February after similarly pulling out of chemothera­py for leukemia.

Last year’s ruling, though, was embraced by many First Nations members as an overdue recognitio­n of traditiona­l ways and rights.

Paul Williams, the Six Nations parents’ lawyer, said his clients do not regret taking their daughter out of chemothera­py.

The girl can be identified only as J.J. because of a court-ordered publicatio­n ban.

“The family has always acknowledg­ed that mainstream medicine was one of its options,” Williams said. “But there are good reasons why they made the decisions they made, and I don’t think any of them are mistakes.”

The family, the Hamilton, Ont., hospital where the girl was first treated, the local children’s aid society, Six Nations band and the family have been in closed-door talks with Ontario for five months, launched when the government belatedly got involved in the case.

The deadline for appealing Justice Edward’s decision was repeatedly extended as talks wore on.

As the girl’s cancer came back, the family concluded “chemothera­py, along with traditiona­l Haudenosau­nee (Iroquois) medicine, which J.J. had already been receiving, would be the next best step,” said the lawyer.

In a joint statement, Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur, the family and the reserve said Friday the case’s resolution lets the family move ahead with treatment, “using the best that both medicines have to offer.”

Juliet Guichon, a bioethicis­t and lawyer at the University of Calgary who studies legal conflicts over children’s health, welcomed the ruling ’s modificati­on, arguing that it had originally put constituti­onal rights above a child’s life.

“The fact that the parents have agreed to chemothera­py, along with traditiona­l Haudenosau­nee medicine, means that the child has a chance to live,” she added.

The case revolves around the second of two southern Ontario girls, both 11, diagnosed last year with leukemia. Both started undergoing chemothera­py but then pulled out, saying they wanted to pursue aboriginal remedies instead.

They also attended a Florida alternativ­e-health clinic, the Hippocrate­s Health Institute, which treats advanced cancer patients with vegan, raw-food diets and other unproven therapies.

J.J.’s family no longer has contact with that facility, Williams said Friday.

A local child-welfare agency refused requests to apprehend the children so they could be forced back into chemo.

The hospital took Brant Family & Children’s Services to court last fall over its decision regarding J.J.

Judge Edward declined to force her into chemothera­py, saying her mother has a right under the Constituti­on to pursue traditiona­l medicine, even if it is not validated by “the Western medical paradigm.”

Williams explained that the patient’s health-care team now includes a senior pediatric oncologist and a Haudenosau­nee (Iroquois) chief with experience in native medicine.

“The two paths of medicine began working together in a respectful and complex way,” he said.

 ?? PETER J. THOMPSON/NATIONAL POST ?? Six Nations supporters celebrate last year after a judge dismissed a request to force an 11-year-old aboriginal girl to receive chemothera­py. On Friday it was revealed she has resumed chemothera­py, seven months after rejecting it in favour of native...
PETER J. THOMPSON/NATIONAL POST Six Nations supporters celebrate last year after a judge dismissed a request to force an 11-year-old aboriginal girl to receive chemothera­py. On Friday it was revealed she has resumed chemothera­py, seven months after rejecting it in favour of native...

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