Ottawa Citizen

Grey’s Anatomy pulls off shocker


NEWYORK If you haven’t yet seen this week’s Grey’s Anatomy and still plan to — spoiler alert!

Out of nowhere, Thursday’s episode walloped viewers with the shocking exit of — wait for it — Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd, the reigning heartthrob and a charter member of the long-running ABC medical drama created by writerprod­ucer Shonda Rimes.

On social media, many fans expressed anger as much as shock.

“Shonda you created a death sentence for your own show,” one fan wrote on ABC’s official Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page. “Without knowing it, you let your ego get the best of you and you just destroyed the best show you have on TV.”

“Years and years we’ve given to watching this story unfold and you just rip it out from under us?” wrote another. “No way! This was horrible.”

Played by actor Patrick Dempsey, making a surprise departure from the series, Shepherd died from injuries suffered when he was blindsided by a truck.

Viewers were privy to Shepherd’s thoughts in the hospital as, gravely injured but unable to speak, this veteran neurosurge­on realized his treatment was being botched and that he was doomed. His undiagnose­d head trauma left him comatose.

Summoned to the hospital, Meredith Grey, his loving doctor-wife, made the awful decision to turn off the machines in a tear-jerking deathbed scene.

She lashed out at one of the attending physicians who tried to apologize for failing to save her husband.

“Yes, you did fail. You weren’t good enough,” Grey snapped. “Learn from this. Better yourself. And you will be better for next time.”

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