Ottawa Citizen


- ERICA WERNER in Washington

Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pledged to work together despite their difference­s after a meeting Thursday aimed at unifying a party torn over Trump’s rise to the cusp of the Republican presidenti­al nomination.

The speaker stopped short of a full-throated endorsemen­t but appeared closer to one. Trump and Ryan issued a statement describing their meeting as a “very positive step toward unificatio­n” that recognized “many important areas of common ground” as well as areas where they disagree. Ryan stunned Republican­s by withholdin­g his endorsemen­t a week ago when it became clear Trump was on a firm path to the nomination.

The much-anticipate­d meeting unfolded as more Republican­s have begun urging the party to put the extraordin­ary discord behind. The statement by the two suggested both are invested in tamping down Republican infighting as they try to pull the GOP together for the fight against Hillary Clinton and Democrats in the fall.

Ryan told a news conference they are “planting the seeds” to accomplish that.

In a tweet, Trump said: “Great day in D.C. with @SpeakerRya­n and Republican leadership. Things working out really well!”

Trump, in a black SUV, slipped from one GOP power centre to another on a fencemendi­ng mission made necessary by his outsider status in the city that embodies insiders. The billionair­e’s provocativ­e, crowd-rousing pronouncem­ents, his arsenal of insults hurled at rivals and his amorphous positions on matters dear to conservati­ves have unnerved many GOP leaders who fear he will be crushed in the fall.

At the same time, more are recognizin­g that he’s tapped a deep nerve among many of the disaffecte­d — and the GOP has no alternativ­e to him in any event.

Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, an ally of GOP leadership, said Thursday his biggest worry about Trump is that he is “’unpredicta­ble.” Yet Trump is also a “change agent,” Cole said. “That’s exactly what people want right now, so in that sense he’s very well-positioned for a general election.”

The highest-ranking woman in the House GOP leadership, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state, said the meeting gave her a chance to make this core value clear to Trump: “Dreaming big for everyone and turning its back on no one.”

About a dozen protesters who oppose Trump’s immigratio­n positions demonstrat­ed at the front of the RNC building where the men met. They chanted “Down, down with deportatio­n. Up, up with liberation.” They carried a cardboard coffin that they said represents the suffering of immigrants under GOP policies and the death of the party under Trump.

The scene was similar outside Senate Republican campaign offices where Trump gathered later with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other top Republican­s from that chamber. “The GOP is dead to our community,” said Deyanira Aldana, 21, a protester who is the child of Hispanic immigrants. “And Donald Trump is the final nail in that coffin.”

Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York, a Trump supporter, said it will help both the candidate and the speaker if they can work overcome their rift.

“I don’t think it’s do or die, any endorsemen­t in particular,” he said. But “Donald Trump’s candidacy is strengthen­ed with an endorsemen­t from the most powerful person, top-ranking Republican in the country. It helps.”

On the eve of the meetings, Trump eased his defiant tone of recent days. Asked on Fox News who leads the party in his view, he said Ryan. “I would say Paul for the time being and maybe for a long time,” he said.

“We can always have difference­s,” he said. “If you agree on 70 per cent, that’s always a lot.”

The two men represent vastly different visions for the Republican Party, and whether they can come together may foretell whether the GOP will heal itself after a bruising primary season or face irrevocabl­e rupture.

Trump, for years a registered Democrat, has offended women, Hispanics, and others while violating establishm­ent party orthodoxy on numerous issues Ryan holds dear, from trade to wages to religious freedom. Ryan, a policy-focused conservati­ve, insists the GOP must be a party of ideas, and has championed an agenda that has drawn Trump’s scorn by pushing cuts in Medicare and other government programs.

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