Ottawa Citizen

Thanks for two inspiring articles


Re: Defending a free press, Oct. 18; An agenda for the UN boss, Oct. 18. Thank you for running two inspiring articles on the editorial pages. The courage of the reporters and editors of the Phoenix, Ariz., newspaper in facing death threats for its political coverage was wonderful to read. As for the piece by Allan Rock and Lloyd Axworthy, the debate in the UN General Assembly on Oct. 20 could be a turning point. The debate comes on a Canadian initiative, at long last to the fore in showing leadership. A moment for pride — and, even more, for action. Clyde Sanger, Ottawa

Canada can marshal others to action

While undoubtedl­y well-intended, Lloyd Axworthy and Allan Rock propose a hollow approach to a practical resolution of the Syrian disaster.

The immediate requiremen­t is the establishm­ent of a no-fly zone, thus stopping the atrocities from the bombings of civilians by Syrian and Russian air forces. The UN is institutio­nally incapable of this course. It cannot mount the robust military initiative required. Indeed, Russia, as a permanent member of the Security Council and supporter of the Syrian regime, will veto any such effort.

To have a meaningful, positive and timely effect, those nations that stand for freedom, democracy and the basic rights of all people to peace, including Canada, have to step up and confront those actors who day by day commit atrocious war crimes. As a middle power, we should help to marshal others, including our traditiona­l and larger allies, to take military action.

This will be no easy task, but it is a better course than talk in an impotent assembly. George D. Hunter, Ottawa

In Syria, democratic resolution needed

It was good to see such distinguis­hed diplomats as Lloyd Axworthy and Allan Rock advising the next UN secretary general to make ending the terrible bloodshed in Syria his top priority. However, I was dismayed by their one-sided portrayal of the situation.

They mention “Bashar Assad’s barrel bombs and Vladimir Putin’s jets” but not the rockets and other modern weapons supplied to the opposition groups, nor do the brutal car bomb and suicide bomber attacks used by the rebel groups get any mention. Similarly, they praise the efforts of “the UN’s special envoy and the active diplomacy of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry” but fail to mention the hard work of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

This is written as if the war in Syria were one-sided, with all the weaponry and violence on the government side. The facts belie that view. If the opposing forces were not reasonably balanced, the war would have been over long ago.

The UN will not be able to bring about peace in Syria unless it recognizes that all parties have supporters with legitimate complaints and very real fears. The UN must support a democratic resolution of the dispute, not military interventi­on. David Lorge Parnas, Ottawa

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