Ottawa Citizen

‘Got your back,’ says Angus of his NDP leadership bid


With an appeal to the economical­ly and politicall­y disaffecte­d, Charlie Angus officially launched his NDP leadership campaign Sunday at the bar where he attended his first punk show at the age of 15.

At a concert-cum-campaignla­unch in front of a few hundred packed into the Horseshoe Tavern, an institutio­n in Toronto’s music scene since the 1940s, the Northern Ontario MP unveiled his long-rumoured bid with an appeal to voters behind the slogan “Got your back.”

Known as a passionate advocate for First Nations communitie­s and the rights of indigenous children, Angus has served since 2004 as MP for the riding of TimminsJam­es Bay, which includes Attawapisk­at First Nation. Before that he was a founding member of the band L’étranger, and remains the lead singer for the band Grievous Angels.

“I learned the lessons of organizing and community developmen­t on the road in a van full of band gear, posters and merchandis­e,” Angus said in a speech that alternated between English and French and made an appeal to middle-class voters disenchant­ed with the governing Liberals, while playing up his punk-rock roots.

The speech also emphasized Angus’s economic background, positionin­g him as a populist challenger to the Liberal and Conservati­ve status quo. “When Justin Trudeau talks about the middle class we’re going to talk about the new working class. Because the new working class is white collar, it is blue collar, it’s the professor I just met the other day who can’t afford to feed her family because she’s on a perpetual cycle of temp work. She did everything right, in investing in an education to make herself better — and our economy is failing her.” Angus said.

He blasted Justin Trudeau’s Liberals for their agreement to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, and for attending “exclusive fundraiser­s with billionair­es.”

Angus also argued for action on indigenous affairs. He had decided two months ago to launch his campaign Sunday, he said, because it was the fifth anniversar­y of MPs voting to support Shannen’s Dream, a movement to improve First Nations education named for Shannen Koostachin, a young Attawapisk­at activist.

“And I’m sad to say five years later we’re still waiting,” Angus said. “And every day we lose children to systemic negligence and underfundi­ng. And it has to stop, and it’s going to stop — and that’s my promise.

As NDP leader, Angus said, he would “bring a little bit of class back to politics” and “stand up in Parliament and fight for the people who have been written off the political and economic map of Canada” — and would do so in a different way than “Donald Trump and his mini-me wannabes,” a reference to some of the candidates for leader of the Conservati­ve Party.

MP Peter Julian threw his hat in two Sundays ago.

Quebec MP Guy Caron is expected to become the third contestant when he announces his decision on a leadership bid in Gatineau Monday morning.

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? NDP MP Charlie Angus launches his bid at a Toronto bar on Sunday.
CHRIS YOUNG / THE CANADIAN PRESS NDP MP Charlie Angus launches his bid at a Toronto bar on Sunday.

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