Ottawa Citizen



At his home in the Glebe, Jan. 6, 2017

“My first guitar was a Stagg acoustic. My father bought it. I was 13. I’d been hounding my dad for a guitar. I went to see The Song Remains the Same and I wanted to be Jimmy Page. I was listening to Led Zeppelin all the time.

“There was this store on Bank Street. I think it was Blue Note. Do you remember Pat Travers? His uncle, Hank, had this store on Bank Street. So I asked my dad for a guitar. Of course I wanted an electric guitar, but he got me an acoustic.

“How it started was I was playing trombone at school, and I was pretty good at it. But, you know, you can’t pick up chicks with a trombone. Or at least I couldn’t. It’s a messy instrument. There’s a lot of spit and you’re constantly getting rid of it. You can tell in an orchestra pit where the trombone player sits … corroding the floor away. So anyway, I wanted to play guitar. But I was good enough at trombone that my teacher at Glashan Public School suggested extra lessons. So I went to this lesson at Ottawa U, and my father drove me. I was really early, like 6:45 on a Saturday morning, and I’m thinking, ‘Well, this musician can’t be any good; it’s 6:45 and he’s up. Unless he’s just going home and thinking, ‘The last thing I’ll do is teach a lesson and then go crash.’

“So anyway, the lesson went well, and we’re going home and I’m grumpy, and my dad is grumpy because it’s so early. And he asked me what was wrong and I said, ‘I don’t want to play trombone. I want to play guitar.’ So after I whined enough about it, he went out and bought me this guitar. And of course, as a typical tough dad, he says, ‘It’s the first and last one I buy you.’ That wasn’t true at all. He bought a lot of them, or at least lent me the money. He was really supportive.

“It was a crappy guitar but I learned how to play on it. And since then I’ve always been partial to cheap acoustic guitars. And I remember what happened to that one. I went camping when I was, like, 16. A bunch of guys camping and we drank too much and I left it outside and it rained that night. It was unplayable. I tried to dry it out but the whole thing was warped. That was the end of that, so we gave it a nice sendoff by burning it.

“But I love the guitar. It’s taken me a few years to figure out what I like, but I know what I like in terms of sounds, and I love getting guitar players together in a room because they’ll argue about it. They’ll defend their purchases. My main thing is the Stratocast­ers. Gibsons were always very expensive, but Fenders


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