Ottawa Citizen


Criticizes Russia probe, denies pressure on Flynn case


President Donald Trump said he respects the appointmen­t of former FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigat­e Russian meddling in the U.S. election but stood by his claim that it is a witch hunt targeting him.

“I respect the move but the entire thing has been a witch hunt,” Trump said Thursday at a White House news conference. “I think it divides the country.”

“Believe me, there is no collusion” between his presidenti­al campaign and Russia, he added.

Earlier, Trump had tweeted, “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!”

There was never a special counsel appointed to investigat­e what he called “all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administra­tion,” he said.

At the press conference, Trump also denied trying to quash an FBI investigat­ion of his former national security adviser.

“No, no — next question,” Trump said when asked whether he pressured thenFBI Director James Comey in February to drop an investigat­ion into former White House adviser Michael Flynn’s dealings with Russia and Turkey.

He said it was “totally ridiculous” to think he had done anything that would amount to an impeachabl­e offence.

While Trump questioned the legitimacy of the investigat­ion, it has thrown the administra­tion off track and consumed its political capital.

Many lawmakers from both parties welcomed the appointmen­t of Mueller by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as a way to restore confidence in government institutio­ns and bring order to the probe.

Trump said Thursday he thought firing Comey would be a popular decision because he’d been criticized by Democrats and Republican­s alike for his handling of an investigat­ion into Democratic presidenti­al nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. He said Comey turned in a “poor performanc­e” in his most recent testimony to Congress and that Rosenstein had written a “very strong letter” outlining Comey’s shortcomin­gs.

Trump said he planned to announce his choice for a new FBI director “soon.” He said earlier in the day that former Connecticu­t senator Joseph Lieberman, a Democrat turned independen­t, was one of the top contenders.

While Mueller takes over the Justice Department investigat­ion, probes in Congress were proceeding as well.

Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina, chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, and Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat, said the panel would continue its own investigat­ion and “engage with Director Mueller” on any potential conflicts.

The House Intelligen­ce Committee requested documents from the Justice Department and FBI about the bureau’s investigat­ion and any records related to Comey’s dismissal. Comey wrote detailed memos of his conversati­ons with Trump, including one in which the president allegedly asked him to drop a probe of Flynn.

Flynn was forced to resign in February after it was disclosed that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of his conversati­ons with Russia’s U.S. ambassador. Flynn is under investigat­ion for his contacts with Russia as well as his work on behalf of Turkey’s government while he was a prominent campaign supporter of Trump. He has become a central figure in the investigat­ions in Congress.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller in an order giving him broad authority to pursue the investigat­ion into Russian meddling, including “any links and/or coordinati­on between the Russian government and individual­s associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.”

“If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriat­e, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigat­ion of these matters,” the order said. That means he can issue subpoenas, present evidence to a grand jury and bring charges — all the powers of a federal prosecutor.

The White House was already reeling from the allegation that Trump asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigat­ion, the revelation that the president may have inadverten­tly passed sensitive intelligen­ce to two top Russian officials in the Oval Office and a suggestion he made that he might be secretly recording his conversati­ons.

 ?? ANDREW HARRER / BLOOMBERG NEWS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump was critical Thursday of what he called a “witch hunt” against him as former FBI director Robert Mueller was named Special Counsel.
ANDREW HARRER / BLOOMBERG NEWS U.S. President Donald Trump was critical Thursday of what he called a “witch hunt” against him as former FBI director Robert Mueller was named Special Counsel.

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