Ottawa Citizen



Stittsvill­e, June 22, 2017.

“I’m legally blind. I was 49 when I lost my vision. My central vision. I went in for a very minor surgery 25 years ago and suffered a sudden drop in blood pressure, and that’s what happened.

“It was fine because my husband, Gerry, was able to drive and everything, and I could deal with it and get on with my life. And it worked really good, it worked really good.

“But now he has dementia and lost his licence two years ago. And we have a lovely bungalow, but it’s getting too much for me to take care of the bungalow — I’m a little on the fussy side; I like it nice — and I don’t want it to go down. Gerry’s happy in the house with the dog, Coco. But he doesn’t want to have anybody else there. I had the CCAC (Community Care Access Centre) come in, but he didn’t appreciate that. And our doctor is in Carp.

“I went 16 years without the cane. I felt that if I used the cane, some people might take advantage of me. And I walk the trails here a lot — Amberwood has lots of beautiful trails — and so it scared me. But I would go to the beauty parlour on Saturday, and there was a lady there, a customer, whose husband lived out in Amberwood, said something about me to my hairdresse­r, Lynn. And Lynn said, ‘Oh, she has a vision problem.’ And this woman said, ‘Well, I see her walking the streets all the time. I never see her with a cane.’ And Lynn said, ‘No, she doesn’t use a cane.’

“So this woman started on me, and it was the nicest thing anybody did. She got on my tail. And I HAD a cane; I had it since the first day. The CNIB said they were going to come out and show me how to use it, but four years later I hadn’t heard from them, and I thought, ‘Well, I’m doing fine anyways. I don’t need the cane.’ But she kept on my tail — ‘I’ve seen you out walking, Elaine. Where’s your cane? You need the cane.’

“And then she said something that sort of hit home. She said, ‘I’m not asking you to do it for you. Do it for the other person. You cross down here to go to the GRC (Goulbourn Recreation Complex) and church, you’re crossing a busy street. You’re doing it for the other person.’ Because people will see me from their car, and they’ll motion me to cross, but I don’t see that. So they’ll stop and start and stop, and I go to go because I realize what they’re doing. And, oh my gosh. A couple of times there’s been a few choice words at me, like what is wrong with you? So it was the best decision, even though it was more to shut her up.

“I’m not looking for sympathy, because by gosh, I’ve had a lot of luck. And it hasn’t got worse since that happened in the hospital; I haven’t had any more bleeds. Although it’s getting worse just because of age now. I’m going to be 74 and I have cataracts, but my doctor doesn’t want to operate. She said I might lose all my vision, and right now I’m caring for Gerry, so I need what I have. But we’re going to have to make some decisions, soon. I’m going to have to make some decisions. My health in the last six months has been going down the tubes, and I can’t take care of somebody if I don’t take care of myself. I’ve always been putting things off, and I guess it’s starting to show now. I swear to God I’ve aged 10 years in the last six months.

“But we’ve travelled a lot. I’ve been to Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Ireland twice, doing things that I never in a million years have been able to do. And you know, some things end up turning out OK after all. It’s been wonderful.

“As far as I’m concerned, my vision is something that happened to me, and no, it wasn’t nice, but I look around and there are people who are far worse than I am and have a lot more worries. I’ve had a very good marriage — 56 years this August. So I have nothing to complain about.

“I know some other people with vision problems who ask why it happened to them. But I never felt that way because I just figured, you know, God sends you things, and I’m no better than anybody else, so I just have to deal with it.”


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