Ottawa Citizen

Old friends catch up after a half-century apart

Women who met as youngsters during Centennial reunite for a rewarding lunch


Sleep did not come early or easily to Oopik Nakashook last Friday evening, as anxiety about her planned lunch the following day with Judy Hill and Hill’s family continued to gnaw at her. The whole week had been like this, since the two agreed to meet Saturday at Dunn’s Famous Deli in the ByWard Market. What was she going to say when they met? What would she ask first? Her husband, Pitse Naulaq, told her not to worry, but that was impossible.

Oopik’s apprehensi­on was understand­able. She last laid eyes on the Hills 50 years ago, in July 1967, when, at the age of 11, she was one of 100 elementary schoolchil­dren from Frobisher Bay — now Iqaluit — flown to Ottawa for a two-week Centennial visit. The Hills were Oopik’s billets, among scores of Elmvale Acres families who agreed to host this sudden influx of excited Inuit youngsters. “I said, ‘Let’s go for it,’” matriarch Rita Hill admits of their decision to put up one of the visitors. “Why not? This was something very different and exciting, and we led a very dull life.”

Last December, a story in the Citizen about Oopik’s 1967 visit came to the Hills’ attention — Judy lives in Petawawa, her parents, Rita and Ron, in Kanata, and brother Michael, just five in 1967, in Oakville. Eventually, a reunion lunch, with Michael unable to attend, was arranged.

Oopik and Pitse were the first to arrive, forcing her to endure still a few more uneasy minutes. For about three years after her 1967 return home to Apex, near Iqaluit, she and Judy, then nine, correspond­ed by mail, but that exchange eventually tapered to nothing. But it’s not like Oopik ever forgot. Rarely a day has gone by in the past half-century that she hasn’t stopped for a moment to think of the Hills

She could even still recall their address — 866 Weston Dr. — and, in subsequent visits to Ottawa and since moving here permanentl­y two years ago, would now and then find herself passing by the house. Tempted to knock on the door, just in case, the courage always eluded her. Instead, she simply kept her eyes open wherever she went, hoping to spot Judy in passing.

It was Judy, as outgoing as Oopik is reserved, her parents trailing her, who broke the ice at Dunn’s, her arrival instantly dissolving Oopik’s worry with a big smile, a hug and a simple “Good to see you!” Oopik’s eyes filled with tears before she had time to reply: “This is so wonderful!”

Rita, too, confessed to having some anxious moments ahead of Saturday’s reunion. “What if it doesn’t work? We haven’t seen Oopik in 50 years.”

So, how do you catch up after a half-century? Judy brought an iPad, answering many of Oopik’s questions before she could even ask them: husband Daniel. Two kids: Olivia and Alexandra. There’s Michael and his wife, Lindsay. They have two kids, Zachary and Erica. A Senators-Rangers hockey game. And cats, lots of cats.

Oopik told of her five children and gave Judy some artwork done by one of her 20-some grandchild­ren. Judy returned the favour with a framed photograph from 1967 showing Oopik and the Hills at their cottage on Muskrat Lake.

“Oh … my … god … ,” responded Oopik. “I had that picture until my brother burned the house down! I remember the boat scared me.”

Truthfully, almost everything in Ottawa in 1967 scared Oopik. Thrust into a culture of which she knew almost nothing, taken from her friends and family and scarcely understand­ing English, she was terrified by boats, airplanes, tall buildings and almost everything else. On a swimming outing to Britannia Beach, the sight of a minnow sent her running for terra firma, never to return to the water. She still can’t swim.

“The only time I was comfortabl­e was with your family,” she told Judy over lunch.

With lunch paid for, Facebook pages exchanged and promises made to stay in touch, the Hills went one way and Oopik and Pitse the other, each perhaps thinking what Oopik said aloud: “This was a great day.”

 ??  ?? Oopik Nakashook and Judy Hill, standing, hadn’t seen one another since July 1967 when Nakashook was one of 100 Iqaluit kids to come visit Ottawa for two weeks for the Centennial celebratio­ns.
Oopik Nakashook and Judy Hill, standing, hadn’t seen one another since July 1967 when Nakashook was one of 100 Iqaluit kids to come visit Ottawa for two weeks for the Centennial celebratio­ns.

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