Ottawa Citizen

Trump’s Russia problem: layer on layer of lies

It doesn’t matter whether it’s criminal. A decent politician would just resign


Americans have good reason to ask whether their president and his closest political associates are criminals. But what makes the question so necessary ought to make the answer moot.

For the purposes of determinin­g whether Donald Trump should remain in office, it doesn’t matter whether a crime was committed in his and his associates’ dealings with Russia. It’s damning enough that the question has to be raised.

“Has to be” is the key phrase here. The point is not that Trump should be impeached because members of his circle are being investigat­ed for one alleged crime or another. Rather, some of the revelation­s and circumstan­ces surroundin­g the investigat­ions are on their own so serious, for one thing, and so beyond dispute, for another, that a politician with any sense of reason or decency would resign.

Of course, a politician with any sense of reason or decency would not have done what Trump has done:

Trump expressed open admiration for Vladimir Putin, the authoritar­ian who invaded Ukraine, during the election campaign.

Trump publicly requested that Russia hack his political opponent’s email.

Trump wouldn’t release his tax returns even in the midst of allegation­s that he has compromisi­ng financial ties to Russia and that the Trump Organizati­on has a private server connection to the largest bank in Russia.

Trump hired Paul Manafort as campaign manager, a former business partner of Russian oligarchs and political operatives affiliated with Russian intelligen­ce services who owed $17 million to Russian banks before he joined the Trump campaign.

Trump kept on his son-inlaw, Jared Kushner, as senior adviser after Kushner asked to set up a secure communicat­ions channel with Russia and had several undisclose­d contacts with Russia.

Trump defended his son, Donald Jr., for secretly colluding with Russia to damage a political opponent’s electoral chances, even after his son initially falsely denied it.

Trump defended Putin and offered him concession­s even after American intelligen­ce services determined that Russia tried to damage American elections, making his oncebizarr­e solidarity with Putin a blatant betrayal of his country’s values and interests.

Trump met with Putin without any Americans present during an investigat­ion into his administra­tion’s ties to Russia.

Trump fired the director of the FBI because he was frustrated by the agency’s investigat­ion into his administra­tion’s relationsh­ip with Russia, confessing to abusing his office to escape justice, saying, “when I decided to just (fire the director), I said to myself … ‘you know, this Russia thing with Russia and Trump is a made-up story.’ ”

Trump attacks even his own appointees who don’t protect him from the law, admitting he wouldn’t have appointed Jeff Sessions as attorney general had he known Sessions wouldn’t stand between the administra­tion and the Russia investigat­ion.

It all brings to mind the time Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square and his supporters would keep on supporting him. He was projecting. Trump himself believes that not even criminal conduct should keep him from power.

Democracie­s must not adopt the standards of despotic scam artists as our own.

For now, we must assume that members of Trump’s circle aren’t criminals. None has been convicted of being a traitor, conspirato­r or obstructor of justice.

But though we don’t know Trump and his associates to be crooks, they are proven liars, hucksters and snakes, self-regarding bullies who don’t spare one sweet thought for the rule of law, the democratic system or the liberal Western order, so selfintere­sted they can’t even be called partisans, for partisansh­ip requires loyalty to an entity other than oneself; so nihilistic they can’t even be called ideologues, for ideology requires commitment to principle and coherence of thought; and so ignorant of their place in the world and in history that whatever energy they haven’t devoted to burnishing a tacky hotel brand, they have used in service of a foreign power openly hostile to the country they are charged with protecting.

To call their behaviour criminal is premature. It also misses the point. The fact that a man is not in jail doesn’t mean he should be tolerated in public office. Shannon Gormley is an Ottawa Citizen global affairs columnist and freelance journalist.

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