Ottawa Citizen

Charging for visitor parking should be illegal

- MOHAMMED ADAM Mohammed Adam is an Ottawa writer.

Minto’s decision to charge for visitor parking at many of its rental buildings in Ottawa is a cash grab targeted at some of the most vulnerable in our community — and it must not be allowed to stand.

“It is a nasty thing to do. It is really bad and I don’t think it is legal,” says Coun. Rick Chiarelli, whose constituen­ts are affected.

Chiarelli says he was blindsided by Minto’s decision and has asked city lawyers and bylaw officials for action. He says what Minto has done is basically establish paid parking for the public at its rental buildings, and to do that the company would require a zoning change.

The official city response, however, appears to be at odds with Chiarelli’s position.

“It is not unlawful for landlords to charge visitor parking fees at residentia­l rental buildings provided that the visitors are using the buildings associated with the parking area,” says David Wise, the city’s program manager for zoning and interpreta­tion.

Whatever the legalities, this precedent-setting move is plainly wrong and it is in the power of the city to stop such company overreach. The parking metres must come down and if Minto doesn’t remove them, the city should.

This practice may be new to Ottawa but it has been going on for a while in Toronto, where city council has put in place a policy outlawing it. The Toronto bylaw in question is now under appeal.

Ottawa council must have the courage to develop a similar policy, and if necessary, defend it on appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. After all, it is the citizens who are being fleeced.

Tenants in at least five Minto-operated buildings got the surprise of their lives about two months ago when they received notices telling them paid parking will be introduced for visitors. Minto says the fees are being introduced because too many tenants were using the visitors’ spots. Robin Garvey, vice-president of Minto Properties Inc., said paid parking is being introduced “to manage limited availabili­ty and high demand.”

That sounds like an excuse to make a little more money.

If misuse of visitor parking is an issue, Minto could, and should, have had a discussion with tenants, laid out its concerns and worked out an amicable solution. In other places with visitor parking, owners and tenants alike are often required to phone in and record a parking visitor, complete with licence plates and number of days required.

In other words, there are ways to deal with such issues without dipping into people’s pockets, but Minto chose to impose its own solution, making the whole thing seem a fait accompli.

Renters in Minto buildings are up in arms for good reason. Many are on fixed incomes and they are worried because the new charge will not only make life more difficult for family, friends and helpers who come to visit, but make the deliveries and services they receive more expensive.

And there is a larger problem. Minto is the city’s biggest home builder and if its decision to charge for visitor parking sticks, it won’t be long before other home builders and landlords in the city join the bandwagon. The company must not be allowed to get away with this.

John Plumadore, chair of the Federation of Metro Toronto Tenants Associatio­n, which has been fighting landlords over the issue, says free visitor parking is part of the amenities for rental residents and must be protected. He says visitor parking fees are never part of leases and landlords should not be allowed to impose them after the fact.

Plumadore says this issue is a big deal for tenants and it may be necessary to pass provincial law to protect them because landlords will continue to chip away at their rights.

That may well be the long-term solution, but for now, somebody has to stand up for ordinary citizens. That is what we expect of a city council.

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