Ottawa Citizen

Mental health woes are a global problem

Treatment facilities needed,

- write Marc and Craig Kielburger. Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories at

Two years after South Sudan gained independen­ce, Dr. Inka Weissbecke­r toured the young country’s only mental health facility.

Patients were sedated, living in their own filth; a traumatize­d young girl wandered the hallways unattended; people with schizophre­nia had no medication. Weissbecke­r, global mental health and psychosoci­al adviser for the Internatio­nal Medical Corps, brought the tragedy to potential donors, imploring them to fund better mental health services. Her plea fell on deaf ears. “They thought, ‘South Sudan is not ready for mental health. The country has bigger problems,’ ” she recalls with frustratio­n.

Mental health disorders affect one in four people around the world and even more in low- and middle-income countries riven by strife. Still, the problem is often overlooked in light of other pressing developmen­t priorities.

It wasn’t until civil war broke out in South Sudan that mental health funding poured in, as the world’s attention turned to children with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatize­d civilians. Money for mental health follows bombs, bullets and trauma, says Weissbecke­r, while a growing mental health crisis remains ignored.

The logic is inescapabl­e. In the hierarchy of needs, lifting people out of poverty and ensuring they are fed comes before mental health treatment. But this thinking crumbles when you look at the massive ripple effect of untreated mental health disorders.

Studies show a relationsh­ip between mental health conditions and unhealthy lifestyles, leading to higher rates of cardiovasc­ular disease, diabetes and obesity, as well as drug and alcohol abuse. Health-care systems in developing or crisis-plagued regions cannot handle the strain. Low-income countries average one psychiatri­st for every two million people and spend less than one per cent of their health budgets on mental health.

Typically, when developing countries invest in mental health, the money doesn’t go to outreach and prevention but to mental hospitals. Institutio­ns are much more disruptive to patients’ lives, and carry a greater stigma in areas where education and awareness are lacking.

Donors and internatio­nal organizati­ons are often no better, explains Weissbecke­r. “When conflict breaks out, that’s when people start paying attention.”

The internatio­nal community has made tremendous strides delivering medicines, containing outbreaks and fighting disease around the world. Now it must do the same for mental health.

The United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals include mental health alongside other focuses of developmen­t. This inclusion recognizes mental health treatment as a human right, one that’s key to empowering growth and prosperity in all countries.

We need to do more. We need to fund and train more psychiatri­sts and doctors, build communityb­ased mental health services, and help break the cultural stigma associated with treatment. These are the types of solutions that should have been talking points at the recent World Health Organizati­on annual meeting, just in time for World Mental Health Day Tuesday.

In Canada, we’re a long way from achieving our goals, but we’ve started to recognize the social and economic benefits of investing in mental health. It’s time we applied the same standards around the world.

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