Ottawa Citizen


They can only dream of what might have been


They are known as the ones who got away — the girls Prince Harry could have married. After his engagement to Meghan Markle was announced last week, one of them, Cressida Bonas, posted a cryptic message on Instagram: “No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells it all.”

Was it a veiled reference to Harry? Or just one of many life messages the actress likes to share with her followers?

Whatever the case, Harry’s exes are not wallflower­s, many of them pursuing careers in television or showbiz.

And he seemingly remains on friendly terms with most of them.

The question is, will any of them be invited to the wedding?


❚ Who: Lawyer turned designer, 32

❚ When she dated Harry: On and off for seven years until 2011

❚ How they met: In Cape Town during his gap year

❚ Why they split: Once upon a time, he said she was “The One.” Instead, she was his first love, and someone who didn’t much like the spotlight, and they eventually called it a day

❚ Recent activity: Divides her time between London and Zimbabwe

❚ What she might say to Meghan: “Harry introduced me to the Queen too, isn’t she a darling?”


❚ Who: Actress, 28 ❚ When she dated Harry: 2012-14

❚ How they met: Through her close pal, Princess Eugenie

❚ Why they split: She wanted to pursue acting

❚ Recent activity: Soon to appear in Tulip Fever

❚ What she might say to Meghan: “Can I have your part in Suits?”


❚ Who: Former model, 32 ❚ When she dated Harry: 2011 ❚ How they met: Had known each other for years

❚ Why they split: He was too busy with his army career

❚ Recent activity: Runs her own ceramics business

❚ What she might say to Meghan: “Fancy a ceramic shell as your wedding present?”


❚ Who: TV presenter, 38 ❚ When she dated Harry: 2009 ❚ How they met: Through a friend

❚ Why they split: In her autobiogra­phy, Flack wrote: “Once the story got out, we had to stop seeing each other”

❚ Recent activity: Hosts The X Factor and Love Island

❚ What she might say to Meghan: “Finally, someone who knows what it’s like to be the ‘older woman.’”


❚ Who: Singer, 30 ❚ When she dated Harry: 2012 ❚ How they met: At karaoke ❚ Why they split: She appeared to be enjoying the publicity too much

❚ Recent activity: Currently in Strictly

❚ What she might say to Meghan: “Dream big, laugh hard and don’t ever give up.” (one of her Twitter posts)


❚ Who: Former Miss Edinburgh and Love Island contestant, 28

❚ When she dated Harry: Spotted in a clinch at a club

❚ How they met: On dance floor

❚ Why they split: She is tightlippe­d ❚ Recent activity: Charity work ❚ What she might say to Meghan: “If it doesn’t work out, there’s always Love Island.”

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