Ottawa Citizen


Tragedy of sal Capone pulls art from pain


Omari Newton is the creative force behind The Lamentable Tragedy of Sal Capone, the tale of a hip hop crew that loses its DJ in a police shooting. Triggered by a real-life police shooting in his hometown of Montreal, the 38-year-old playwright, now based in Vancouver, tells a story that touches on issues of misogyny, homophobia and injustice, but also contains plenty of music. “It’s not a full-on musical,” says the former MC for the Montreal acid-jazz outfit, Kobayashi. “It’s a play with a lot of live music and a lot of hip hop performanc­es.” Here’s more from a recent interview with Newton.

Q This is your first full-length play. How did you arrive at being a playwright?

A I’d always been involved in theatre as an actor. I became an Equity member when I was 19 years old. When I was starting out, I was strictly involved in being on stage. But I’ve always been naturally curious and I’ve always done non-dramatic writing. I write essays, had a blog for a while. I write a column in Vancouver called YVR Screen Scene. I’ve been a writer for a while.

Q What inspired this script?

A The 2008 incident, where a young person of colour in Montreal, Fredy Villanueva, was shot and killed by police. This was before the Black Lives Matter movement started in the United States, and before the issue of police brutality was ubiquitous in mainstream media. I felt pretty frustrated. I didn’t feel there was enough being said about these shootings, and there were others I’d heard about. I didn’t have a way to express this. My friend and mentor, (director) Diane Roberts, encouraged me to put my thoughts into a play.

Q What was the process like for you?

A Because of my experience as an actor, I was somewhat familiar with playwritin­g structure. Initially I attempted to write a one-person show, and soon realized it really was not working. So I wrote a really horrible first draft back in 2008, and Diane helped dramaturge the play. We worked very closely in the beginning to develop it together.

Q That was 10 years ago. Did

you have concerns that the issue would lose relevance by the time it got to the stage?

A When you write a play or any creative endeavour, you never really have the endgame in mind, you just want to get the story out and get it told. I kept writing it and kept developing it. Once we thought it was in a good place, we started shopping it around to different companies, and sadly, by the time Black Theatre Workshop and Urban Ink agreed to produce the show, there was this spate of police shootings. Trayvon Martin happened, Mike Brown happened. There were too many to name, and sadly, it became even more relevant as the years go on.

Q The play also addresses some of the negative aspects of hip hop culture. Why was that important to you?

A As a longtime fan and also a performing hip hop artist, I’ve been immersed in hip hop culture for a very long time. I think hip hop culture is one of the main influences on me as a person and an artist. The way that I construct plays is influenced by hip hop in that it’s the art form that draws from different cultures and melds things together. I wanted to both explore the subject matter that inspired the piece and do an homage to this culture that I felt meant so much to me. But in doing this homage, I realized I had to address some of the faults as well as the things I admire. Things like misogyny and homophobia can be pretty widespread in hip hop, mainstream hip hop in particular. I wanted to address that part of the culture.

Q Has the play changed since it was first staged?

A The script was written midHarper regime, pre-Trump, and right on the cusp of Obama being elected. It was a very different landscape politicall­y and from a social justice standpoint. We’ve adapted the script to exist in a post-Trump, Justin Trudeau, Black Lives Matter world. We try as much as we can to update certain references so that they’re relevant to the cities we’re playing in. The city it’s set in is called Real City, Canada, so it’s not a real place. It represents inner cities you’ll find in most major cities in Canada and the U.S.

Q How big of a deal is for you to have your play staged at the National Arts Centre?

A It’s a great honour for a kid from Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal who started acting when he was young. From a personal standpoint, as an artist, it’s flattering to think that your play is respected enough to show at the NAC, but as an artist of colour, it’s inspiring to me that audiences will get to hear the concerns and some of the fears, and the culture that I grew up influenced by, given a platform as big as the NAC. One of my frustratio­ns starting out was that I didn’t see many people like me on stage or I didn’t see stories that were particular to my culture on stage. I love it, even if it’s just one or two kids sitting in that audience, go ‘Yeah, it speaks to me, it relates to me.’ The impact can be huge. It means a great deal to me.

Q What’s your next theatre project?

A I’ve been commission­ed to write a companion piece to Sal Capone that tells the story from the point of view of the police officer involved in the shooting. One of my goals is always to tell a balanced story. It’s not an anti-police play. I don’t hate cops. But it’s a play that recognizes that systemic police brutality is an issue.

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 ?? JENNIFER GAUTHIER ?? Triggered by a real-life police shooting in his hometown of Montreal, Omari Newton touches on issues of misogyny, homophobia and injustice in his play.
JENNIFER GAUTHIER Triggered by a real-life police shooting in his hometown of Montreal, Omari Newton touches on issues of misogyny, homophobia and injustice in his play.

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