Ottawa Citizen

Education may help stop the road battle


Monna-Leigh McElveny writes that cyclist and driver education is paramount to ending the misunderst­anding and mistrust that rears its ugly head every summer between cyclists and motorists. I agree a lot of learning needs to happen because the antagonist­ic behaviour on both sides is ruining cycling as a commuting option.

I’m somewhat used to drivers passing me at very close proximity and high speeds, which I’d consider rude. A couple of times, large trucks approached, must have been able to see me, but still frightened me as they passed. These drivers couldn’t merge into the left lane for fear of hitting cars, and couldn’t slow down because the vehicle had too much momentum. This is where I need infrastruc­ture. For all the danger to pedestrian­s of a cyclist on the sidewalk, it vastly pales in comparison to cyclist versus truck.

I’m also getting a long look at what happens when drivers use speed at intersecti­ons. Drivers who use speed to enter a right-hand turning lane or get through an advanced left turn also frighten me. There are moments in Bells Corners and Alta Vista when drivers race ahead to cut me off so they aren’t stuck behind me while turning. This kind of aggression is frequently followed by a full stop as they realize they have to yield to approachin­g cars (either turning left or driving straight). So why the speed?

Cyclist aggression is also accomplish­ing nothing good. If you’re not a cyclist, it will be quick and easy to emphasize different concerns: cyclists making quick impromptu turns, pulling into your blind spot, and (the most egregious) rushing through four-way stops and traffic lights alike. So I agree: take everyone back to school. A licence is a good regulation but it’s missing the mark. People who got their licence two decades or more ago probably learned little about bikes on the road, and there was no wide-scale education for anyone who wanted to commute by bike.

Peter Gaudet, Nepean

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