Ottawa Citizen

A ‘marriage’ made in legal constraint­s

- ELLIE TESHER Read Ellie Monday to Saturday.


Regarding the divorced man who’s terrified that the next woman will deplete his finances again:

“When researchin­g the law (for my legal separation/divorce agreement), I concluded that the only way a guy can protect himself is to NOT get married. “And also avoid a common-law marriage; if she moves in with you, through a cohabitati­on agreement, charge her rent, NEVER refer to her as your wife (or allow her to refer to you as her husband), no joint finances and not letting her contribute to home expenses outside of rent.

“Otherwise, the moment you marry or live common-law, you give someone much control over you, your assets, and the ability to mess with the custody of your kids.

“You don’t need to be married to be in a loving long-term relationsh­ip. I’m in one right now.” — The Better Way

A Yech! I say that NOT because I’m a woman, but because I don’t believe that it’s a loving act when a woman OR a man so calculatin­gly takes steps assuring that a union can end with the click of a mouse — and no financial or joint child responsibi­lities on either side.


Regarding seeking help for child/teen bed-wetters:

Reader — “My son began wetting his bed at age seven. It became part of our home life. We were tolerating it for about a year when I caught an episode of 60 Minutes and the question, “Does Your Child Snore?” appeared.

“So much informatio­n came out of that episode and we were able to make a connection between the snoring, the bedwetting, and a dental exam when four root canals were required.

“The cause was sleep apnea due to his oversized tonsils being relaxed, blocking his airway, and preventing saliva from passing during his rest. It turned out that his bed wetting was actually saving his life ... it was his body’s way of waking him up to breathe.

“Our doctor scheduled him for surgery almost immediatel­y and he never wet the bed again. That procedure completely transforme­d my son’s life.”

 ??  ??

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