Ottawa Citizen

What will it take to get more people voting?

City needs all hands on deck to raise participat­ion rate


The municipal election is over and now we look ahead to a new era of open, transparen­t government.

But as we do that, it is important to reflect on why so many of us failed to vote. Of the 633,946 eligible voters locally, 269, 772 voted, a measly 42.55-per-cent turnout, up from the woeful 39.92 per cent in 2014. Year after year, election after election, we moan about low turnout but do nothing concrete to alleviate the problem. That must change, and all of us — city council, citizens and civic institutio­ns — should act before the next election.

The problem is not just Ottawa, and it has gone on for decades. Across the province, voter participat­ion was pathetic. From 27 per cent in Mississaug­a to 39 per cent in London, which debuted the ranked ballot, and 41 per cent in Toronto, voters stayed away in droves. The reasons vary, but key among them are lack of interest, lack of awareness and not being fully informed about the candidates and the issues. There is also the fact that lack of competitiv­e mayoral races depresses turnout. And when voters are happy with their government, they tend not to vote.

The one clear solution — mandatory voting — does not have universal support because it undermines the very notion of free expression. That being the case, we have to find other solutions. Some, such as lowering the voting age, are too fraught. If 18-, 25- and 30-year-olds don’t vote, why would 16- and 17-year-olds? Online voting could help, but the chaos it caused in

Perhaps it’s time to look at simple, small, local solutions.

many Ontario municipali­ties on election night doesn’t instil much confidence. And with the hacking issues that blighted the 2016 U.S. election, it may not be the answer yet. A ranked ballot would certainly give voters more options, but our problem is getting people to vote — not a dearth of choice. If people don’t vote, ranked ballots will be of little help. The London result suggests the jury is still out.

Perhaps it’s time to look at simple, small, local solutions. Despite the considerab­le election coverage provided by the Citizen, Sun, Rogers TV, CBC and other radio stations, I heard people complain about lack of informatio­n. It is really baffling, but maybe the media can do more next time. For instance, can radio and TV bosses not be persuaded, as part of their community service, to devote an hour of airtime to a mayoral debate?

Indeed, one of the more disappoint­ing things about this election was the lack of such a debate on network TV. If we had one each on CBC and CTV, it would certainly have elevated interest in the election and energized voters. And while we are at it, why can’t the Citizen, for instance, sponsor mayoral debates, and by so doing bring great attention to elections? Media organizati­ons sponsor sporting events, shows, festivals and the like. Why not election debates to boost voter participat­ion? Even in the age of cutbacks, is that too much to ask?

We can also build on what works. Figures show that this year, advance voting attracted twice the number who voted that way in 2014: from 7,633 people four years ago to 15,754 this time. We should look at extending advance voting to one week or more, and at more locations.

One thing we should also do is find ways to tighten the rules governing who gets to run for mayor. People are free to run, of course, but there are just too many wacky candidates crowding the field. We don’t need to indulge them all; there has to be a way to weed out the attention-seekers so we can have serious debates between serious candidates.

City government should get involved with new ideas. At least, it should consider a massive education campaign about a month before an election to raise awareness. All these small steps could add up to a big difference. But if there are better ideas out there, let’s hear them. We are all in on this.

Mohammed Adam is an Ottawa writer.

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