Ottawa Citizen

Jar offers easy way to unpeel fresh garlic

Also: How to remove maple bug stains and storing potatoes apart from onions


Q I avoid purchasing fresh garlic bulbs because I don’t like to take time to remove the peel from the bulbs. Do you have an idea of how to remove the peel without the headache?

A Place the garlic bulb inside a Mason jar. Secure the lid and shake as hard as you can for 20 to 30 seconds. The skin will separate itself from the bulb — and your headache should be a distant memory.

Q Do you have any solutions for removing white water stains on a stucco house? The water drips off the roof onto a taupe colour.

A The most practical solution is to use water to get rid of water stains on stucco. Using the gentle setting of a pressure washer or spray hose, spray the entire affected area. Or for a stronger solution, some contributo­rs had great results cleaning their stucco with one part muriatic acid and 10 parts water. Use extreme caution, safety goggles and skin protection, as this is a powerful and dangerous chemical.

Q This fall, there’s been a bumper crop of maple bugs. They tend to gather around doors in the hundreds waiting for a chance to get in where it’s warm … and a lot manage to get inside. We try not to squish them, but some inevitably get stepped on. They excrete bright red fluid. Will the stains ever come out of our carpets?

A According to contributo­rs who have shared your experience with maple bugs — also known as box elder bugs, the two most common solutions are: Scrub the area with Dawn dish soap and water. If the stains remain, spray the area with WD-40, then scrub and wash with dish soap and water. As a last resort, wipe the area with shaving cream, then rinse with water.


I am a regular reader and enjoy your columns very much. Recently, I purchased cleaning vinegar on a friend’s recommenda­tion, it is great. Perhaps readers would be interested to know that if you use vinegar straight in a spray bottle, you will have the “sparkliest” windows on the block.

Submitted by: Phyllis

Re: Storing potatoes

I came across a mention you made in your article about storing potatoes. The person who wrote to you said, she stored her potatoes with her onions. I recently read that potatoes should be stored separate from onions, which I have started doing. Your suggestion was storing potatoes in a plastic bag in the fridge I haven’t tried that, but I certainly do keep spuds and onions separate. Submitted by: Valerie

Reena Nerbas is a popular motivation­al presenter for large and small groups; check out her website — reena. ca — to ask a question or share a tip. Disclaimer: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementa­tion of any suggestion­s in this column. Test all products on an inconspicu­ous area first.

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