Ottawa Citizen

Phoenix pay backlog shrinks again but 289,000 cases still unresolved


The latest tally from the folks who gave us the Phoenix pay system shows more evidence of a shrinking backlog.

At the end of the Nov. 28 pay period, Public Services and Procuremen­t Canada had whittled down the number of unresolved pay transactio­ns to 289,000 — which at first doesn’t seem very impressive.

But perhaps it’s time to cut the pay group a little slack.

Not only is this the 10th consecutiv­e monthly pay period in which the department has processed more transactio­ns than it has received, the backlog has shrunk by nearly 100,000 since Jan. 24.

Of course, these signs of progress relate only to transactio­ns that involve a financial impact.

Other requests by government employees for informatio­n and advice have also piled up, with relatively little sign of improvemen­t.

There were 84,000 of these non-financial queries in the queue as of Nov. 28 compared with 94,000 at the beginning of the year.

And, while Public Services is close to cleaning up the backlog of transactio­ns having to do with collective agreements, new rounds of union negotiatio­ns are on the horizon.

The upshot: the Phoenix pay system doesn’t seem likely on current trends to achieve anything approachin­g normal activity anytime soon.

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