Ottawa Citizen




1 Thaw once more 7 Buddies 11 Spade of fiction 14 Admiring one 15 MB’s 204 or BC’s 604 17 Central American state with a triple A rating? 18 Battery terminals 19 Cassowary cousin 20 Protest from a porker 22 Triple A-rated Caribbean capital? 23 Yoda, to Luke 25 Before, half a millennium ago 26 Epitaph stone 28 Simple card game 30 Elegant tapestry 34 Triple A place to live, for many people? 36 “‘Taint” response 38 Ransom Olds’ middle name 39 Uncontrive­d 41 Fall on hard times 44 Grassy meadow 45 Warm embrace 47 Triple A resort feature? 48 Unscripted remark 51 Woman with a habit 53 Minutes taker, e.g. 54 Ewe’s beau 56 Corporate union 58 Triple A event that’s always “tomorrow” 61 Guided sightseein­g trip 62 Fingers, in a way 65 Copycat 67 Tropical fruit and triple A vitamin C source? 69 Transparen­t gypsum 70 Acts melodramat­ically 71 Number for the road? 72 “Post” opposite 73 Fruity-smelling compounds


1 What canola once was 2 Big cheese in Holland 3 Enormous 4 Historical­ly important period 5 Summer thirst quencher 6 Personal characteri­stic 7 Hoarder 8 “The Altar” star group 9 River of Hades 10 Triple A-rated African tour destinatio­n? 11 Variety of cracker 12 British ruled mideast port 1839-1967 13 Arizona tableland 16 Blanket or quilt

21 “At once!” 24 Toronto to Tel Aviv flyer 26 Milanese opera house: La ___ 27 Allowed for the container weight 29 Drilling contraptio­n 31 Return to the country of birth 32 How hermits live

33 Ravi Shankar’s instrument 35 Incense stick’s destiny 37 The John Howard ___ (briefly) 40 Uruguayan flag feature 42 Chinese 7-piece puzzles 43 Mitch Miller’s instrument 46 Leaves that koalas eat 49 Really steamed 50 Treat that chimps rate triple A? 52 “The One” played by Keanu 55 Morning in Montreal 57 Sri Lankan coin 58 Traditiona­l Japanese seasoning 59 Congregati­on’s shout 60 Big haunt for hippos 63 Pysanky expert 64 Cheeky back talk 66 Home of the gov. gen. 68 It’s legal now

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