Ottawa Citizen

Digital distractio­ns may add stress to vacations

Leaving phones and social media behind can make for a more fulfilling holiday


Earlier this summer, after packing for a three-night kayaking and camping holiday in the Stockholm archipelag­o, I gazed at my belongings, thought about what the sun-kissed and seabased days ahead might hold, and made a final adjustment to the contents of my bag: I took out my iPhone and tossed it under my bed.

I emailed my travel companion, a photograph­er friend called Jacob, and made firm plans to meet at a café in Stansted, like people used to do. I asked him if I could have some pictures of our trip afterwards, so I could pop a few up on Facebook and Instagram when I returned. And then I set off, feeling that I was genuinely escaping the stresses and strains of my everyday life. My love life, my job, my friends and family — none of this could touch me for the next three days because the way stress locates us is via our phones.

As a travel writer and an inveterate millennial, ditching my phone in an aspiration­al destinatio­n like Sweden felt like the ultimate rebellion.

And I’ve noticed more and more of my peers implementi­ng an Insta-ban as they venture off to Santorini, or Cornwall or Tulum.

We’ve realized that for a holiday to really function as a holiday, it needs to be a break from social media, an escape from social status anxiety, from having to photograph every tiny detail of life to prove that we exist.

“When I went to Goa earlier this year, I took a break from Instagram and Facebook for the entire two weeks because I knew I needed a ‘head holiday,’ not just some sunshine and a sun lounger,” says Roxy Attard, a hair stylist.

“We had just launched our salon and were doing a huge amount of marketing via Instagram and Facebook. If I didn’t take a break from those two platforms, I would still be at work, even if I was in Goa.”

Catherine Price, author of How to Break up with Your Phone and founder of screenlife­, is fully supportive of this shift toward screen-free holidays.

“Even if we joined social media platforms out of a desire to share our experience­s with loved ones, the reality is that our phones take us out of the moment. We cannot be online and off-line at the same time,” she says.

“Plus, when we overshare a glossy version of our trip online, we miss out on talking about our trips when we return, which is part of the joy of travel.”

During my three-day Insta-break, my stress levels plummeted within 24 hours, which was about how long it took for my brain to rewire itself and accept that it couldn’t twitch for my iPhone, that I didn’t need to photograph this moment, that I had no idea whether so-and-so had texted me.

It also changed how I processed the trip itself. I made mental notes of funny moments, cultural observatio­ns, tips, and when I returned, I had detailed chats with friends about my time away.

By contrast, after any over-Instagramm­ed trip, the conversati­on proceeded thus:

Friend: You’re back! Thailand looked amazing. Was it amazing? Me: Um, yes, it was amazing. Friend: Did you watch Love Island last night?

The great promise of social media was that we could share our lives, forge connection­s and learn from each other.

The reality is that much of what we’re sharing is mild lies, that Insta-oversharin­g takes the sparkle out of conversati­on, and that all we’re really learning from each other is FOMO (fear of missing out). Even celebritie­s who have consolidat­ed their fan base via Instagram or Twitter take social media sabbatical­s. Kendall Jenner shook up fans when she “detoxed” from Instagram, saying afterwards: “I just wanted a little bit of a break.”

“We also need to wake up to the fact that if we scroll through Instagram or Facebook on holiday, we are essentiall­y working for them,” adds Price. “These apps exist to collect our data and show us algorithmi­c adverts. If we’ve saved up for a holiday and are spending it on our phone, we’re spending our holiday making Instagram money.”

So this summer, as you plan your trip, ask if you can delete Instagram or Facebook for the duration. The best way to get value for your money from your holiday is to leave social media behind.

London Daily Telegraph

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Staying plugged in via cellphone apps like Instagram may make vacations less of a break, some travel bloggers say.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Staying plugged in via cellphone apps like Instagram may make vacations less of a break, some travel bloggers say.

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