Ottawa Citizen

Persuading individual­s to cut back on fuel consumptio­n a tough sell


A central question in climate studies is: How do you persuade the population to cut back on fuel use?

Canada has done this once before, in 1942 as the war effort desperatel­y needed gasoline and the federal government implemente­d rationing.

We were less in love with driving then. There were about eight Canadians for each car. And that generation had grown up in the Depression, accustomed to privation.

“That generation was better at sustainabi­lity issues than we are, simply because they had lower expectatio­ns,” says Graham Broad, a historian from Western University. “They had backyard gardens, they composted, they collected rainwater. They did all this stuff that we think is very chic now, but they just did it as a matter of course.”

Yet even with the threat of war, even with the reality that soldiers they knew personally were killed overseas, it was hard to sell gasoline rationing.

Beginning in the spring of 1942, average car owners received enough coupons to buy enough gasoline to drive about 3,600 kilometres a year. That’s less than 75 km a week. Doctors (who made house calls) and others whose work was crucial to the war effort got more. So did farmers.

And a black market thrived.

“It is hard to know exactly how big that black market was, (but) there was traffic in fake ration books, fake ration coupons,” Broad said. “People found various ways to circumvent and violate the rules. So even in that crisis of world war, people still found ways to cheat.

“It’s something I have been thinking about when the climate crisis deepens, will it get to the point where voluntaris­m won’t work and the government will compel (reductions)?” he said. “Will they legislate in the interest of national defence?

“And I would think yes, but I’m not sure how far our generation would be accepting of that.

“Let’s say a third of people think global warming is a hoax,” and will oppose giving up fossil fuels for a crisis they don’t believe in. “Right away, what political party is going to sacrifice a third of its potential electorate? It’s a tough sell.”

He draws another lesson from wartime rationing. Even when people believed the armed forces needed fuel, meat, butter and other supplies, some still argued their own family’s small amount didn’t matter and they should be allowed to keep it.

“You see that same complaint again and again,” he said.

“I talk to my students” about energy consumptio­n, he said. “They’re 18 or 19 and they have a sense that their generation is more environmen­tally aware than those that preceded it. But I say: Even if that’s true that you are more aware of the ecological consequenc­es of your consumptio­n, you still consume more resources than any generation that preceded you.

“Just take an example from 1941: Half of all farms in Canada in 1941 weren’t even on the electrical grid. A lot of people didn’t have electrical appliances, even in urban homes. Their total energy consumptio­n was so much less than ours.”

Meanwhile, what if you personally want to cut your fuel use by 30 per cent?

That’s a simple calculatio­n for a car. Drive less, or get a car with better mileage.

For your home, Enbridge Gas ran the numbers for us. It will vary from home to home, but for a fairly average home in heating season, first lower the thermostat five degrees from where it was last winter. That will save you 25 per cent of your gas consumptio­n (at five percentage points per Celsius degree).

They suggest getting the rest from your water heater — adjust its thermostat, wrap pipes in foam insulation, and get a low-flow shower head and aerators on the taps.

They had backyard gardens, they composted, they collected rainwater.

They did all this stuff that we think is very chic now, but they just did it as a matter of course.

 ?? LIBRaRY AND ARCHIVES CANADA ?? After Canada went to war in 1939, the federal government invoked gasoline rationing. Despite strong support for the conflict, a black market in illicit fuel was soon created.
LIBRaRY AND ARCHIVES CANADA After Canada went to war in 1939, the federal government invoked gasoline rationing. Despite strong support for the conflict, a black market in illicit fuel was soon created.

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