Ottawa Citizen



Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s a power-play day, and your position is elevated. You see your prestige is on the rise. Suddenly you are at the head of a project. On a personal level, a relationsh­ip is hot and heavy. Tonight: Decide to make a fresh start.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today do your best to highlight independen­ce of thought and action. Money comes from a mysterious source. Lie low in connection with legal affairs. All the facts are not in yet. Focus on family and domestic adjustment­s. Tonight: Spend quality time with loved ones.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Insist on your fair share of credit and profits.

What has to be done will get done. Details mount up. Your motivation and enthusiasm help you to accomplish a great deal if you steer clear of petty confrontat­ions. Tonight: Hold out the olive branch.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A kind word and friendly concern from you turn a tense situation at work into a success. Focus on creating the right impression. Combine profession­al expertise with the human touch, and you are doing well. Tonight: Get an early night’s sleep.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Depth of insight and a new mental clarity are among spring ’s first gifts to you. Make plans for the future. You’ll be more enthused about work and can begin projects that will be a focus for many months to come. Tonight: Enjoy some music.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept 22)

You are cautioned to investigat­e financial decisions and commitment­s carefully. Learning a new skill and being aware of the latest developmen­ts in your field will assure success and security. Love has a transcende­nt quality. Tonight: A night out with an old friend.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today you need to be discreet and to do research. A touch of secrecy at the right time assures success. There is a new intensity to your desires and feelings. Cultural and creative interest bring joy. Travel plans bring social opportunit­ies. Tonight: Call an elderly family member.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Memories are powerful and vivid. It is a time of paradox in your life, as you will seem to move forward by looking back. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and resolve to create a wonderful new year. Tonight: An ideal evening for past life studies.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

There is time to share a comfortabl­e jokeworite­hnajoy

dNheotwb-ork fraiveonrd­itferogmam­weosrakn. vbiretsuwa­liltyhwaif­trhiennedw­agtrwouopr­ks. Your circle of acquaintan­ces has added sparkle. Tension may brew with a caocmompep­tei Network with new groups. Your circle of acquaintan­ces has added sparkle. Tension may brew with

tivtievceo­clolelaleg­augeu. e. Tonight: Accept a social invitation.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your productivi­ty and versatilit­y are on the rise, and the day is off to a good start. It’s the perfect time to break a bad habit. During leisure hours, enjoy nature’s beauty and a glowing new vitality will rush through you. Tonight: Entertain at home.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb 18)

You wake up with a zest for adventure. You are ready to experience all that life has to offer. You might enroll in a series of classes or make plans for a safari. You’re even more unpredicta­ble than usual. Tonight: Dwell on the tangible.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Humor and patience are your best defenses against a cantankero­us individual. There may be a subtle feud to resolve at work.

You might be tempted to envy those who seem to be more well-off financiall­y. Tonight: Escape into an old favorite movie.

Born Today

Magician Harry Houdini (1874), actor Steve McQueen (1930), actress Jessica Chastain (1977)

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