Ottawa Citizen

West Quebec clamps down on travel

Pontiac residents nabbed for travelling for non-essential reasons face isolation


Tired of playing cat and mouse with people who sneak past police checkpoint­s, West Quebec authoritie­s have tightened the clampdown on travel: a 14-day self-isolation order for any Pontiac resident who leaves the area and comes back without good reason.

That includes anyone in the MRC de Pontiac (think Shawville, Campbell’s Bay, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes) who crosses a bridge to Ontario for non-essential shopping, or to see a friend or for a coffee run to Tim Hortons.

It also includes Pontiac residents who travel to other parts of West Quebec such as Gatineau, Wakefield or Maniwaki.

Police are getting more creative in the roadblocks, which began two weeks ago, shifting from one site to another every couple of hours through the day.

And since people have been sneaking through by travelling in the middle of the night, there are more roadblocks on the night shift.

Excuses won’t work, warns Sgt. Marc Tessier of the Sûreté du Québec. “Nobody shops for groceries at three in the morning.”

Besides getting a 14-day self-isolation order, a person who is caught breaking the province’s rule on unnecessar­y travel will have their name put in the SQ database for 30 days. (Police weren’t sure on Monday what the penalty is for breaking isolation. The system is still brand new.)

“We have to look at the big picture,” said Pontiac Warden Jane Toller. The 14,300 people who live there tend to be older than in most communitie­s, and they have the worst overall health of any community in Quebec, she said. They want to keep out a virus that has almost passed them by, so far.

But checkpoint­s where police ask visitors to turn back have not been enough, she said.

The Pontiac has had three checkpoint­s, each staffed twice a day, two hours at a time.

“So there is lots of opportunit­y for people to slip through, if they want to,” Toller said. “I’ve had a number of people contacting me saying they saw a lot of Ontario licence plates here, especially during the Easter weekend.”

She said the threat of an isolation order “has certainly curbed a lot of the travel that was still taking place that I would call non-essential.

“And the police are also doing spot checks. So if they stop someone and find that (the driver) has gone over to go to Tim Hortons, they would probably get a fine.”

She acknowledg­ed that travel restrictio­ns are going over badly with a lot of Ontarians who have cottages in the area, especially after last spring’s flooding.

Quebec gave financial aid to permanent residents whose homes were flooded, but not to cottage owners, she said.

“So these cottagers in Quebec have had to pay out of their own pocket to raise their cottages, to repair their cottages,” and now are expressing “exasperati­on,” she said.

Tessier said police officers will stop drivers and ask questions, making decisions on a “case-bycase” basis. Many people are allowed to enter and leave the region, such as local residents working in Ontario, he said.

But they will stop people on a pleasure trip or those travelling outside the region for things they could buy closer to home.

Many West Quebec people cross the bridge at Allumette Island to shop in Pembroke. Pembroke Mayor Michael LeMay, who had not heard of the quarantine rule before Monday, wondered at first where in Quebec they could shop instead, and finally settled on Shawville, a town with far less commerce than Pembroke.

Many Pembroke residents have Quebec cottages (his daughter among them), “and there’s lots of traffic back and forth in the summertime,” LeMay said.

“Of course it’s a no-go and I think people are honouring that from the Ontario side. Right now, there have not been many complaints because the weather has been crappy. When that sun comes out, who knows? I think you will find a major change in attitude once it gets warm.”

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