Ottawa Citizen

Household savings skyrocket

Pandemic spending `poorly targeted'


OTTAWA • Canadians are hoarding cash at a record level, with households across the country putting more money than ever into savings at a time when Ottawa is doling out tens of billions in emergency aid funding.

A new report by CIBC on Tuesday estimates that Canadians are sitting atop $90 billion in excess cash — easily the highest in the country's history and equal to about four per cent of consumer spending. Canadian businesses, the report said, are hoarding another $80 billion. The savings rate in the second quarter of 2020 surged to 28.2 per cent, up from 3.6 per cent before the COVID-19 pandemic struck.

The growing cash hoard points to the steep decline in consumer spending that's typical of recessions, but also raises questions about the efficacy of COVID-19 relief programs rolled out by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has sought to cushion households and small businesses against the economic lockdown from the pandemic.

Philip Cross, economist at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, says the rise in incomes and savings suggests Ottawa's support programs were “excessive and very poorly targeted,” and should have flowed more toward lower-income households who felt the economic downturn most acutely.

“A lot of that money went toward people who didn't need it, who just banked it,” he said.

Economists Benjamin Tal and Katherine Judge, who wrote the report, suspect that the “vast majority of excess cash is parked in the chequing accounts of midand high-income households.” That estimation was partly informed by high-frequency spending data in the U.S., which has shown that high-income households have seen a 10 per cent decline in spending since the beginning of the pandemic, compared to just a three per cent decline among poorer households.

Cross said a scaling system for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), rather than a broadbased scheme, might have ensured that higher-income households didn't simply put the cash toward savings.

The CERB was unveiled early in the pandemic, providing $2,000 per month in cash across the board to people who had lost their jobs.

“People were not supposed to make money on this,” Cross said. “Quite rightly, we told people that we would compensate them for lockdowns that were beyond their control. But we did more than compensate.”

Ottawa is projected to run a $343-billion deficit in 2021 as COVID-19 expenditur­es continue to climb, including the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and a slightly retooled CERB program.

The CIBC figures come just days after a separate report by the Organizati­on for Economic Co-Operation and Developmen­t (OECD) showed household incomes in Canada rising 11 per cent in the second quarter of 2020, even as incomes in other countries including the U.K., France and Germany declined. The increase came despite a 10 per cent contractio­n in the Canadian economy over the same period, when strict lockdowns had been imposed across the country.

The CIBC's Tal said rising incomes across Canada mark a sharp departure from typical downturns, due in large part to the vast sums of money the Trudeau government has injected into the economy.

“In every recession, you see income falling,” he said in an interview. “This is the first recession that income is actually rising, reflecting the fact that government transfers were actually larger than the amount of money lost in the labour market.”

While labour income actually fell by over $100 billion in Canada in the second quarter, it was offset by government transfers, which grew by $225 billion, and by direct spending measures totalling $151 billion.


“I suspect it's not unthinkabl­e that some of this money went to people that didn't need it,” Tal said.

He also suggested that multiple small businesses took out the $40,000 available to them through the Canada Emergency Business Account loans only to store the cash in a bank account. Ottawa last month raised the ceiling on the CEBA program to $60,000, of which businesses can keep one-third of the total loan value if they pay it back within a given time period.

Still, some observers are cautious against pointing the finger at the Liberal government, who had to cobble together emergency spending plans under extraordin­arily short timelines.

“You cannot blame the government, because we're putting together programs that should take five years in five minutes,” Tal said.

Meanwhile, higher savings rates have begun to show in banking accounts. EQ Bank, a digital banking firm, has seen an influx in deposits amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Mahima Poddar, senior-vice president of digital banking and strategy.

Total deposits at the bank have surged well past $4 billion in the last nine months, up from less than $3 billion pre-pandemic.

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