Ottawa Citizen


Why COVID will remain with us


Respirator­y pandemics come along every few decades. Serious ones, every 50 or 100 years. And while the way we have come to live may seem so alien and unnatural, plagues have been “a part of our story for a very long time,” Dr. Nicholas Christakis writes in his new book on this newest plague.

Since the birth of our species, “humans have had countless plagues. We’ve been shaped by those plagues, but then life returns to normal,” the Yale University physician and social scientist said in an interview. All crises have a beginning and end, and we will see the other side of COVID-19, he said, though perhaps not as soon as we hoped. And what, then? How will our lives have changed after the COVID tsunami washes back?

After a year of living with COVID-19, Postmedia is taking an in-depth look at the significan­t social, institutio­nal and economic issues the pandemic has brought to light in Canada — and more importantl­y, how we can finally begin to solve them. (The series can be found online at http://postpandem­

Mercifully, the curve is starting to bend. Nationally, daily confirmed case counts are trending down. Hospitaliz­ations and deaths are falling. But the virus still simmers. Add in new, super-contagious variants and a depressing­ly slow vaccine rollout and the virus isn’t near done with us yet.

Mistakes were made that allowed the virus to flourish. We were warned and did little with what was learned from SARS. We knew of the vulnerabil­ities in long-term care after wave one, and allowed the tragedy, our national shame, to happen again in wave two. We learned we are a nation dependent on the manufactur­ing capabiliti­es of foreign countries, and that confused, conflicted messaging ignites skepticism in groups that place individual freedom above all else.

By now, we’re tired of taking precaution­s. We miss date nights sitting at the bar of a good restaurant, ice-cold, freshly poured, ridiculous­ly overpriced mugs of draft, or a good sangria; waking in a foreign city; spontaneit­y; live music in intimate spaces; loud, sprawling family dinners; laughing without worrying how far droplets might be spreading; the anticipati­on of a weekend with family or friends; control over our lives; not being afraid; hugging, physical touch.

Will we ever again feel comfortabl­e shaking a hand or kissing a cheek?

There remain many unknowns: Will vaccinated people still be silent spreaders? Will the “vaccinated elite,” Dr. Louise Potvin, editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Public Health writes, brazenly drop masking and distancing or win back their “economic freedoms and privileges” ahead of the rest? After the elderly and health-care workers, shouldn’t shots be prioritize­d for Black and other racialized communitie­s, that have been disproport­ionately impacted by this plague? Will there be empathy and care for the COVID long-haulers struggling with breathless­ness and brain fog?

The idea that the population “will emerge, en masse, from hiding, newly happy, the economy will surge, children will again flood the schools, internatio­nal travel and amity will return, all health conditions outside of COVID-19 will at least receive their due attention ... is a patent absurdity,” writes Irvin Studin, president of the Institute for 21st Century Questions in his president’s blog. “People have died … businesses have disappeare­d, countries have been destabiliz­ed, lives have been upended” and millions of kids “exiled” from in-class learning.

We’re not at the beginning of the end of this pandemic, said Christakis, author of Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronaviru­s on the Way We Live. “We’re just at the end of the beginning.”

The virus will keep spreading. Slow or fast, it is going to spread and kill many more, he said. “The fantasy, I hope true, is that we will be able to manufactur­e and distribute enough doses of vaccine fast enough and persuade enough people to get the vaccine to really put a nip in that.”

But either way, he said, “I think we’ve got another year of serious problems.”

Christakis studied contagion for decades, and began his career as a hospice doctor in the 1990s when HIV was ascending. He sees three phases of COVID: The first lasting until the end of 2021, whereupon herd immunity is likely achieved, either artificial­ly because of vaccinatio­n, or naturally via infection, or a combinatio­n of both; this will be enough to take the wind out of the virus’s sails, he said. “The virus will still be there; it will still kill people. But its epidemic force, its epidemic power, will be reduced, or stopped.”

During the second, intermedia­te phase, which will last to roughly early 2024, we’ll have to mop up from the tsunami and confront the social and economic fallout, the mental health problems, the COVID “recovered” left with lung damage, neurologic­al problems or heart or kidney problems.

But 2024, Christakis predicts, will bring the third phase, with a new joie de vivre, a 21st century Roaring Twenties, similar to what happened 100 years ago after the First World War and the 1918 pandemic. “During times of plague, people get more religious. They stop interactin­g socially, they become more abstentiou­s and risk-averse, they stop spending their money. All of those trends will reverse, finally, when we really put the plague behind us.”

People will throng to clubs, restaurant­s, sporting events, concerts and political rallies. “There will be a booming economy. We are likely to see an effloresce­nce of the arts and entreprene­urships.” We will all breathe the relief, Christakis said. “We will be beyond not just the biological and epidemiolo­gical impact of the virus, but also, finally, the psychologi­cal and social and economic impact.”

There is nothing he can think of that would make the timeline better. He can, however, think of things that could make it worse. More infectious pathogens could set us back. So could the possibilit­y of reinfectio­ns. “The slow rollout of the vaccine is a serious problem,” he said.

Christakis also worries we’ll forget. We’ll strike expert committees and commission­s, just like after SARS in 2003. “Canada released this monumental report about how Canada coped, and should have coped. Why were the Canadians so shocked, 17 years later?”

And while plagues are a time when religiosit­y rises, when people search for meaning — the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests were as much a search for meaning as they were outrage at racism and police brutality, he said — “I don’t think we’re going to have this heightened sense of meaning for decades to come.”

What does he envision in a post-COVID world? A decline in handshakin­g is possible, or a rise in people wearing masks routinely, a drop in superfluou­s business meetings, or even a change in gender relations. The loss of women in the labour market could undo 10 to 20 years of gains as the pandemic has forced millions of women to drop out of the workforce.

We’ll start to realize that physical presence isn’t always necessary, that home offices contribute to infection control, said Dr. Peter Jüni, scientific director of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table and a professor of epidemiolo­gy at the University of Toronto. Telemedici­ne is here, to stay. Ontario alone saw a nearly 80 per cent drop in primary care office visits, and a 56-fold increase in virtual (telephone and video) care in 2020. A vaccinatio­n passport of some kind is likely. “If everything goes well, we will have a new normal, not like the old, but it will be much easier in October 2021 as compared to last October,” Jüni said.

“If you think about last summer, assume that this summer will be similar,” Jüni said. People will go to the Scarboroug­h Bluffs. They’ll be able to take the ferry to Toronto Island, with physical distancing and masks. Get the vaccine to those who need it most and over time, the risk slowly decreases, Jüni said. If there isn’t another curve ball coming, we could start looking at COVID-19 as a seasonal disease from next autumn onward.

The virus will mutate, and we must be nimble. The real acid test will be in October. After a quieter summer, we’ll begin moving indoors again, “and we don’t yet know whether something is coming that we don’t even understand yet,” Jüni said. Illegal animal markets have to be confronted globally. Stronger global disease surveillan­ce systems are urgently needed and rich countries must share their vaccines with poor ones, Jüni said. Leave them out, and the virus will mutate and spill over again.

“The real question, politicall­y, is will we invest more in public health so that we never again have to fear there won’t be enough beds in ICUs to cope with all the sick people? Will we invest more in health and social care so that elderly people aren’t left exposed in privatized care homes, far from clinical help?” asked medical historian Mark Honigsbaum, author of The Pandemic Century — A History of Contagion from the Spanish Flu to COVID-19.

For those who have lost someone, there remains the grief and other emotions, like anger. Some will want a political reckoning, Honigsbaum said. “The other half of the population just wants to get back to opening their stores, trading. They’re more angry with the government for ‘making a fuss’ about all these health-service impacts. It’s very depressing.”

“Even though it has had a massive impact in terms of individual lives, it’s been more of an inconvenie­nce for most people,” Honigsbaum said.

He sees a generation­al divide. Young people will want to make up for lost time. “Older people might realize there aren’t that many — dreadful phrase — ‘quality life years’ left. So, what am I going to do with that time? How am I going to use it?”

After the Black Death, the bubonic plague of the 14th century that killed an estimated 75-200 million, people became more aware of their mortality. The years that followed would see an explosion of artistic representa­tions of death.

It’s not clear what the memorials to COVID-19 will be.


 ??  ??
 ?? PETER J THOMPSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Pedestrian­s cross Toronto's Yonge Street, wearing masks, in a sign that Canadians are slowly adapting to the first major
respirator­y pandemic in a century — one that has brought changes to all aspects of our lives.
PETER J THOMPSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS Pedestrian­s cross Toronto's Yonge Street, wearing masks, in a sign that Canadians are slowly adapting to the first major respirator­y pandemic in a century — one that has brought changes to all aspects of our lives.
 ?? JOHN MAHONEY / POSTMEDIA, OLM26250 / GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O, NP PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON ?? “I think we've got another year of serious problems,” said Dr. Nicholas Christakis, author of Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of
Coronaviru­s on the Way We Live. He fears the public will forget the lessons from this pandemic, thus risking future danger.
JOHN MAHONEY / POSTMEDIA, OLM26250 / GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O, NP PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON “I think we've got another year of serious problems,” said Dr. Nicholas Christakis, author of Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronaviru­s on the Way We Live. He fears the public will forget the lessons from this pandemic, thus risking future danger.

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