Ottawa Citizen


- Matthew stock / will shortZ


1 Fair

5 Mary Lincoln’s maiden name

9 Some droughtres­istant plants 14 James of jazz

15 Leader in a kaffiyeh 16 Two- or four-seater, maybe?

17 “Smile!”

19 Like tomes, typically

20 Address by a Sacramento N.B.A. player? 22 Padre’s hermana 23 Expansive septet

24 Make bubbly 28 Hibernatio­n stations 29 Concern of the Citizens United decision, for short

32 Sharpshoot­ing Curry

33 Mass ___

34 Around 16 mg of niacin, e.g.

35 Game notes for a New Orleans N.B.A. player? 38 Officiate, informally 39 ;) ;) ;) 40 “I give!”

41 Surgery sites, for short

42 Things that sometimes clash in orchestras? 43 Amounts at


44 Top ___

45 Variety show


46 Charlotte N.B.A. player in charge of recycling?

53 “Oof, that was bad”

54 Gutter attachment 55 Write an ode about, perhaps 56 Wetlands denizen 57 TV show that launched more than 200 songs onto the Billboard Hot 100 58 Work of cartograph­y 59 Tree house?

60 Appear


1 Not be serious 2 Home of the Anasazi State Park Museum 3 Ocular woe 4 Add (on) 5 ___-weenie 6 Rolex rival 7 Put-down 8 Impersonat­ing, in a way 9 Totally adorable 10 Grateful? 11 Trendy 12 Silicon Valley specialty, familiarly 13 Get to

18 Make an effort to get swole

21 Corral

24 ___ Blaster (classic arcade game)

25 Thin air 26 Some barriers to entry in the shipping business? 27 Candy Crush or Angry Birds

28 Places for aces

29 Pierce slightly

30 Best-selling musical artist whose album titles represent ages

31 Sights along Paris’s ChampsÉlys­ées 33 Studied secondaril­y 36 Hybrid feline 37 Messenger molecule 43 Coarsegrai­ned rock that splits easily 44 Car company founded in 2003

45 Writer


46 Bit of typing by someone who’s all thumbs?

47 Recover

48 Flavorers in Italian cookery

49 Dungeons & Dragons and others, for short

50 4,100+ mile river that drains 11 countries 51 Oneon-one Olympic event 52 Overflow (with)

53 “Up” vote

 ??  ??

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