Ottawa Citizen

Let's not rush to mandatory vaccines for children

Fear fuels parental hesitancy. Don't worsen it, says Raywat Deonandan.

- Raywat Deonandan is an epidemiolo­gist and associate professor with the faculty of health sciences, University of Ottawa.

Is there any more touchy pandemic subject than whether parents should vaccinate their children? The idea of injecting my own infant with a relatively new pharmaceut­ical product when he is otherwise fit and healthy does not fill me with joy. On the other hand, in case you hadn't heard, there is an epidemic of a virulent respirator­y disease afoot, one that is known to torment, disable and even kill children, however rarely. Surely I would want to protect my child from the insidious SARS-Cov2 virus?

The risk-versus-reward computatio­n when it comes to vaccinatin­g children is not an easy one. As best we know, the risks posed by the COVID vaccine are vanishingl­y small, but not zero. A tiny proportion of vaccinated children experience serious, though treatable, adverse events, such as myocarditi­s (heart muscle inflammati­on).

Meanwhile, trials show an astonishin­g vaccine efficacy of 100 per cent among children. But the reward of offering protection against COVID is admittedly small, as children are thought to be less likely to suffer from symptomati­c COVID — though some do become hospitaliz­ed and die.

About 11 per cent of COVID cases in Ontario are experience­d by children, though they comprise 19 per cent of the population. And so far in this province, only one child death is thought to have been caused by COVID. But one is too many. And the Delta variant is painting a new picture, in which increases in serious pediatric cases are being seen in the United States.

So if the personal risk and personal reward are both small, how does one decide? For many, the tiebreaker is the reward to society: getting a significan­t step closer to herd immunity. With the Delta variant ascendant with its hyper-transmissi­ble nature and slight challenge to vaccine effectiven­ess, the threshold for achieving herd immunity has been pushed quite high indeed, to the point where if only Canadian adults were to be immunized, we likely would not have enough resistant bodies to get the job done. Vaccinatin­g children becomes an important strategic move to get us closer to something resembling herd immunity.

Absent high levels of population immunity, we will experience recurring outbreaks mostly among unvaccinat­ed groups. Since schools are finally becoming understood as both essential services and contributo­rs to community transmissi­on, we certainly do not want preventabl­e outbreaks occurring in schools. So it makes sense to want to maximize vaccine uptake among eligible schoolchil­dren.

This brings up a very divisive policy question: Should COVID vaccines be made compulsory for schoolchil­dren? Ontario already requires that children attending schools in person must be immunized against nine infections, including tetanus and diphtheria. COVID vaccinatio­n, being one of the most efficient strategies for limiting an acute public health crisis, could rationally be added to that list.

But the 1990 Immunizati­on of School Pupils Act allows for exemptions due to “conscience or religious belief,” which could presumably encompass a wide array of mindsets. Given the high prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among parents, the number choosing the exemption option could be substantia­l, putting in doubt whether mandatory vaccinatio­n would indeed render a substantia­l increase in population immunity.

My fear is that making this particular vaccine mandatory for children would not only be rejected by a skittish population, but would inadverten­tly strengthen the narrative of those wishing to characteri­ze public health as insidious authoritar­ian government overreach. It would set back our efforts to win over hearts and minds to unite Canadians behind our battle against COVID.

Absent compelled vaccinatio­n, we must endeavour to educate parents and walk them through individual­ized risk-reward analyses. And accommodat­ion can be explored for those who will not, or cannot, be vaccinated.

Parental hesitancy is fuelled by fear, misinforma­tion and apathy. Making vaccinatio­n compulsory addresses the apathy, but accentuate­s the fear and strengthen­s the credibilit­y of misinforma­tion. The danger in legislatin­g compliance is in inadverten­tly increasing the behaviour we seek to suppress.

Compelling shots for children has its own risk-reward ratio. While it might inch us closer to herd immunity and safer schools, it might also push wavering parents toward hardcore anti-vax camps, impairing our ability to enact deeper public health improvemen­ts in the long term.

Let us educate, and incentiviz­e rather than bludgeon parents with the brute force of the law. In the end, reason and caring must win out.

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