Ottawa Citizen


Known for questionab­le Hollywood roles, Cage finally pulls a good one out of the dirt


I just can't stay mad at Nicolas Cage. The Oscar-winning (and, lest we forget, multiple Razzie-nominated) actor has made some, er, eclectic choices of late.

In April he starred in Willy's Wonderland, a kind of Five Nights at Freddy's horror in which he spoke not a word of dialogue and spent most of the movie playing pinball. Before that he was in the sci-fi-martialart­s mash-up Jiu Jitsu, though he had the good sense to arrive late (40 minutes into the film), scream a few lines and get the hell out.

Last year saw him in Color Out of Space, an adaptation of an H.P. Lovecraft short story that was pretty good, though more in spite of his performanc­e than because of it. But all is forgiven in his newest excursion into weirdness, Pig.

How to describe this hog-wild tale? Well, a few months ago I watched The Truffle Hunters, a delightful documentar­y about old guys seeking fungi in the hilly region of Piedmont, Italy. I'm also familiar with John Wick, the violent revenge fantasy in which someone makes the existentia­l mistake of killing Keanu Reeves's puppy. So imagine what would happen if you spliced those two ideas together, with Cage in the lead.

We first meet his character, Robin Feld, rambling through the woods outside of Portland, Ore., with a sweet-natured porcine with whom he is clearly (and, we hope, merely platonical­ly) in love. Man and swine collaborat­e in the discovery of valuable truffles, which are then purchased by Amir (Alex Wolff ), arriving each Thursday in a canary-yellow Camaro.

Robin has no need for such trifles (or truffles) and is content to live a rustic existence. Even a shower seems too much of a luxury for this guy. With his unruly mop of grey hair and a scraggly beard, he looks like Steve Bannon on one of his better days.

But his idyllic existence takes a swerve for the worse when someone breaks into his cabin, knocks him out and takes his pig.

Writer/director Michael Sarnoski keeps much of Robin's backstory hidden until well into the movie, but a few things can be revealed. He is a man of few words — “They took my pig ” and “I want my pig back” constitute a large chunk of his dialogue.

But he will sometimes launch into a riveting speech, as when he describes the apocalypse that will happen when the Big One hits the west coast.

And while he's living off the grid at present, this clearly wasn't always the case. “Robin Feld” (much like John Wick) is a name that will stop Portlander­s in their tracks, and will either open doors or get them slammed in your face.

Is he as dangerous as Wick? Well, he can certainly take a punch, as a trip to an undergroun­d fight club demonstrat­es. And he maintains a constant vibe of almost-violence that keeps the film's tension humming. But his skill set is eventually revealed to be more diverse, urbane, even culinary. Pig's chapter headings, including Rustic Mushroom

Tart, and Mom's French Toast and Deconstruc­ted Scallops, could have been lifted from the Anthony Bourdain doc opening this week.

You know how we're always being told that pigs aren't the smelly, dirty creatures we once thought? Same goes for Robin Feld. Likewise, you underestim­ate Sarnoski's screenplay at your peril. What begins as a simple tale of abduction and revenge quickly mushrooms into something sweeter, with undertones of loss and keening regret. And Cage, God bless him, pulls it off. “We don't get a lot of things to really care about,” he says in one scene, and the sadness it evokes is unboarable. Sorry, unbearable.

The film is a technical triumph as well, lovingly shot in dim lighting, and with some truly inspired editing choices, including several that manage to cut Wolff off in the midst of an impassione­d rant. You've heard about characters whom the camera loves? This is one the camera hates.

So three cheers and a bottle of artisanal wine to Cage — this time. The busy thespian has several more projects due out soon, including playing himself in a comedy called The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent; a dad with a shady past in The Retirement Plan; and a role in Butcher's Crossing, based on a novel about a university dropout in the 1870s who joins a buffalo hunt.

No word on whether Cage plays the 23-year-old protagonis­t from the novel on which Butcher's Crossing is based; the mountain man who guides the kid on his journey; or possibly one of the buffalo in motion-capture. And no guarantee any of these upcoming films will be any good. But as Pig ably demonstrat­es, if you root around in the dirt long enough, you're bound to find something worthwhile from time to time.

 ?? NEON ?? Sure, he looks rough around the edges, but Nicolas Cage delivers a surprising­ly nuanced performanc­e in Pig.
NEON Sure, he looks rough around the edges, but Nicolas Cage delivers a surprising­ly nuanced performanc­e in Pig.

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