Our Canada


- Gary George gary_george@rd.com

As most of you know, between Our Canada and

More of Our Canada, we publish 12 issues a year. The one you’re reading through right now holds the distinctio­n of being the only issue that spans two seasons of the year. Striking the right seasonal balance in terms of story selection and visuals can be a bit tricky, but thanks to you, we always have excellent submission­s to consider.

Take our cover photo, for example. Provided by contributo­r Diane Laybourne of Lloydminst­er, Sask., the image bridges summer and fall very nicely, and serves as an excellent lead-in to the “Fields of Gold” photo feature beginning on page 44 within the issue.

Another case in point is the photo essay on page 8 by Mark Lachovsky, who spends his summer and fall exploring nature by kayak in the Laurentian­s north of Montreal. As Mark puts it, he’s finding beauty in his own backyard and, once you’ve viewed his photos and read his essay, I’m sure you’ll agree with that assessment.

Since getting in some family travel is a big priority for so many at this time of year, I’d also like to direct you toward “Maritime Special” on page 20, in which Dave Sanders of Strathroy, Ont., describes the trip he took to the East Coast with his adult son Rob a few years ago. Flipping a coin to decide their direction of travel, it was fun from the get-go. As things turned out, their time together touring Halifax, Peggys Cove and other “must-see” locales turned into a memorable father-son bonding experience as well.

All in all, the transition from summer to fall is a wonderful time of year, and I hope this issue

reflects that fact. Enjoy!

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