Our Canada

Heart’s Desire

This trip provided welcome surprises around every corner

- By Barbara Northcott, Didsbury, Alta.

My family likes to travel, and they like to play baseball. I always bring my camera along, as there is never a shortage of interestin­g photo ops—on the ball field or on the way to the ball field. Ever since my aunt gave me her old camera, when I was about ten years old, I have enjoyed photograph­ing sports, animals ( both wild and domesticat­ed), landscapes and nature. I am now beginning to appreciate bird photograph­y.

In August 2018, our eldest son, Dustin, was participat­ing in a championsh­ip baseball tournament in Victoria, so we decided

to visit friends who have a summer home in Edwards Lake, B.C. on the way. Along the highway between Crowsnest Pass, Alta., and Sparwood, B.C., we came upon a small herd of bighorn sheep. My husband, Harold, who is a wildlife lover and supporter of my photograph­y, quickly stopped the vehicle while I propped my lens on the open window of the truck. The herd didn’t want to be bothered and moved away, with the exception of this fella (above), who can only be described as especially curious. As the herd moved away, he slowly joined them, but kept watching us while he did, almost as though posing for photograph­s.

Although I do not seek out bighorn sheep to photograph, I am impressed by their horns, beautiful coats and interestin­g eyes. I was grateful to have come upon a herd of them on a beautiful, warm evening with the sun beginning to set, giving the photograph a nice glow.

If you let your eyes travel down the face of this ram, you will notice that his nose is heart-shaped. I didn’t know it at the time, but this heart was a symbol for what was to happen in a few days.

We continued on our travels, enjoying our overnight visit with our friends and then moving on to Victoria. The baseball tournament commenced, but was anticlimac­tic compared to the news we were soon to learn. While enjoying one of the many wonderful restaurant­s in Victoria one evening, our son’s girlfriend showed us a diamond ring on her left hand. Dustin had proposed— revealing his heart.

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