Penticton Herald

Salvation Army shows nothing but kindness


The following is a first person story from one of the individual­s who will be helped by this year’s Be An Angel Campaign.

First time I ever came to the Salvation Army, oh, probably 10 or 15 years ago, it was for the free income tax preparatio­n service. My wife died early, cancer, and she’d always done all the paperwork.

Thank you to the kind gentleman who helped me with my taxes. And he has done it for years for lots of people. Then, the motel I was living in had a fire and it ended up that The Salvation Army was the place to go to get the basic things like pots and pans and sheets and towels that I needed to get started again when I had nothing.

Thank you to the nice lady in the food bank office who allowed me to get what I needed at the thrift store. Now here I am, I will probably be in a home in a few years, I’m healthier than a lot of them my age, but I don’t drink or smoke. Coffee and television are about my only luxuries these days and still I don’t have two nickels to rub together.

I come to the food bank. I say thank you to all the good folks there. They have carrots, potatoes, onions, squash, apples, tomatoes, spinach, good stuff, all the time now, and I know that stuff doesn’t fall from the sky. It’s good to have people out there growing it and picking it for the poor folks like me. I don’t feel like a charity case either. I would rather accept charity from my neighbour than the government.

So, thank you neighbour.

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