Penticton Herald

Keep religion out of politics, and politics out of religion



What ever happened to separation of religion and state? We have the pope telling our government­s how to run our countries. His most recent is to tell us that we must not approve any projects with First Nations without consent of First Nations.

Now, I have no problem with what he is saying, but if the churches want to start getting involved in politics and giving advice, then would it not be prudent if they started paying taxes.

Now we have the government getting into religion. The Liberals want us to start treating one specific religion with tender loving care. How about all the other religions. Should they not be respected the same as Islam? Why is the state getting involved in passing a bill to study how we should treat one specific religion.

Each and every one of us has a right to choose a religion of our choice. We also have a right to not choose a religion if we so choose.

There is a lot of talk about radical religions, but it is better to see and talk about it rather than have our government pass a bill telling us how we should react. Over my life, I have seen and heard of so many bad things done by Christian churches.

So will the government tell us to ignore the past and accept what happened by passing legislatio­n? To now select one religion and try to tell how to react to is itself discrimina­tion.

Let’s get back to the way it has been — separation of religion and state. I do not need a religion telling my government on how to run our country nor do I need the government telling me how treat any religion.

If someone is going out of bounds, i.e. committing acts of hatred, we have laws to deal with that. Bob Otway, Penticton

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