Penticton Herald

Don’t confuse them with facts


Dear Editor: The definition in Wikipedia for the saying “flogging a dead horse” is as follows: “Continuing in a certain endeavour is a waste of time as the decision on the outcome is already decided.”

This holds true for the resident’s complaints on matters to do with city administra­tion although the term “flogging a dead jackass” may be more appropriat­e.

These complaints fall on deaf ears as “the powers that be” attribute this noise to the opinions of a few people or the misguided minority.

I was told by a person recently (that should have inside informatio­n on the matter) that the mayor and at least some on council still hold the view that the majority of the residents approve of the performanc­e level at city hall.

This is the case in spite of the fact that a recent scientific Oracle poll showed that they had an 81 per cent disapprova­l rating from the general public. It is hard to imagine that someone can be that obtuse. The thinking at city hall seems to be: “Don’t confuse me with the facts.” But then, maybe they are dealing with the “alternate truths” that Donald Trump has made famous, which apparently replace facts.

They are certainly not dealing with reality. I believe that in medical terms this is referred to as being delusional. Having said all that, I guess that we can look forward to “more of the same” at least until the next election in November 2018.

I will not elaborate on what “more of the same” includes as that has already been flogged to death. Claude Bergman Penticton Del Bohn Penticton

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