Penticton Herald

Fix sewage problem before funding games


Editor: During their first NDP-Green joint news press release, B.C. Green leader Andrew Weaver said, “one of the first things I want is for the NDP premier to lobby for the Commonweal­th games for Victoria in 2022.”

Why would he not want the games? Because all B.C. taxpayers will be paying for the massive infrastruc­ture cost to build the sporting facilities to hold the games.

Again on a per capita basis;; the B.C. Peace River district would be paying far more than its share, yet very few Peace River folks would attend the games.

Weaver and NDP Leader John Horgan are absolutely giddy with the power that awaits them in a few days. So anxious to get their ball rolling, they approached Government House without first calling ahead and asking for an appointmen­t with Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon

One issue that should have been a priority for both Horgan and Weaver — apparently they seemed to have missed it — Victoria a has a serious sewage treatment problem: Victoria’s residents have been dumping their raw sewage into the ocean untreated for years. How serious is this issue?

The orca whales that live in coastal waters are so polluted that if they were land animals;; their “burial at sea” would be prohibited.

The good health of orca whales and treated sewage should be of a serious concern for any recently elected government, far more serious than spending a fortune of tax dollars on a sporting event. Ernie Slump, Penticton

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