Penticton Herald

Family of eagles take in red-tailed hawk chick


Wildlife biologists and birders are bursting with theories about how a family of eagles nesting in Sidney began playing foster home to the chick of a red-tailed hawk.

The hawk chick, about a third the size and paler in colour than the three resident eagle chicks, has been living in the nest near Summerset Place on Roberts Bay since at least June 2, when it was first recorded.

“It’s a big surprise and quite unusual,” said Kerry Finley, a wildlife biologist who lives nearby.

“The [hawk chick] is very feisty and hungry, and obviously quite capable of defending itself,” Finley said.

“It’s actually quite interestin­g watching the relationsh­ip between the hawk and its eagle siblings, who are quite tolerant of it.”

The chick has been identified as a red-tailed hawk by at least two wildlife biologists who have good knowledge of birds of prey and their chicks.

Theories of how it ended up in a family of eagles vary widely, from the grim and grisly to simple convenienc­e and even dumb, wildlife luck.

One theory says the parent eagles took the chick’s hawk mother as prey. As the eagles tore apart her carcass, the egg rolled out to sit with the eagles’ own eggs until hatched.

Another says the hawk mother was flying when she suddenly had to drop the egg. The first convenient location she lighted upon was the eagle nest while the parents were away,

Finally, a theory that has gained some traction among bird-of-prey specialist­s is that the eagle parents took the chick as prey and carried it back to the nest as food for their own young.

But the chick was still alive. Once at the nest, the chick started to beg for food. Faced with an open mouth, the eagles’ parental response overrode their impulse to feed it to their babies.

“The hormonal instinct of the parents to feed it as a nestling kind of overrode the hormonal urge to kill it and feed it to the eaglets,” said David Bird, a McGill University wildlife biology professor with a specialty in birds of prey, now living near Sidney.

Bird said photos of the hawk chick have been sent to biologists around the world, who have estimated that it’s about 4 1/2 weeks old and likely close to fledging.

“But the big question is: ‘Will it actually fledge from the nest or will the eaglets start eyeing it and, if they get hungry, just kill it as a weaker bird?”

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