Penticton Herald

Theft of flags shameful act


Dear Editor: I live in a lovely gated community called Balmoral, which is located on Stillingfl­eet Road just off Guisachan Road in Kelowna.

We are a very proud community and because Canada Day was approachin­g, a lot of residents decided to fly Canadian flags outside their homes, including myself.

On the morning of June 29, I went outside and noticed one of my flags was laying on the ground and the other one was missing.

I looked around and noticed that my neighbour’s larger flag was also missing. After looking further, my neighbour discovered that other residents’ flags had also been stolen and flag poles were thrown onto the lawn.

The culprits had taken the trouble to take the larger flags off their flag poles and obviously absconded with just the flags themselves. How despicable is this?

I would say to the culprits that you are not at all patriotic, although you obviously wanted to fly or run around with a flag for Canada Day pretending to be proud Cana-dians.

Stealing is bad enough, but to steal a flag is unbelievab­ly disgusting and whoever did this is not worthy of living in this great country.

Take a look at yourselves and think about what you have done, and although I would like to think you will feel ashamed, I am sure you won’t. Judith Wagner, Kelowna

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