Penticton Herald

Weekly Horoscope


Overview for all signs: Retrograde Mercury started the week off and will continue for about the next three weeks. This creates reversal, cancellati­ons or glitches on various levels.

Check anything mechanical or replace parts, etc. This includes other devices or communicat­ions and equipment. There will be some interrupti­ons or dropped calls, have back up plans in place or use snail mail.

Avoid signing anything that was not already in motion; complete where its safe. Follow calm, discipline­d and profession­al activity. See how everyone feels and avoid misunderst­andings.

Jealous issues affect power struggles; some insecure. Sabre rattling cause reactions that are negative or over the top.

ARIES: Knee-jerk actions cause push back that could affect locations for you, others or business activity.

You put forth enormous efforts to get ahead of the games that others are playing. Hold your own.

VIRGO: Stay with your base that provides a feeling of solidarity. Be silent to advance your position easily.

LIBRA: Your words have weight and others look to you for leadership.You can carry the ball for them.

SCORPIO: Stand tall in your position and respect for you will grow or return to the proper expected level.

SAGITTARIU­S: Your steady hand on the wheel helps to navigate through various issues. Handle data.

CAPRICORN: Others count on you to have their back no matter what is going on. Show them you care.

AQUARIUS: Important or trusted associates come on board to smooth things over or pave your path.

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