Penticton Herald


Sayeed & NDP outspent Ashton in May 9 election


Tarik Sayeed outspent Dan Ashton in the last provincial election. Provincial general election financial reports were released publicly, Tuesday.

According to the summary of expenses, NDP challenger Tarik Sayeed spent $50,249 in the Penticton riding in the May 9 election, compared with BC Liberal incumbent Dan Ashton, who had total expenses of $46,230.

Green candidate Connie Sahlmark’s expenses were $4,596.

Ashton received 13,671 votes (53.55 per cent) which translated to a cost of $3.38 per vote. Sayeed was second with 7,150 votes (28 per cent) at a cost of $7.02 per vote. Sahlmark received the most bang for her buck with 4,707 votes (18.44 per cent) at a cost of $1.02 per vote.

Comparing expenses between the top two candidates, the big difference was in salaries. Ashton paid $1,890 in staff wages for an office manager, while Sayeed spent $18,621 on salaries and benefits.

Media advertisin­g was nearly identical between the two candidates. Ashton spent significan­tly more on newsletter­s and promotiona­l materials, which included lawn signs, at $18,862, compared with Sayeed at $11,299. Sahlmark’s budget for signage was $1,940.

Ashton was also the only candidate to use polling and research at a total cost of $2,506.

Ashton’s individual donors were comprehens­ively listed online with significan­t contributi­ons from Barefoot Beach Resort at $7,000; Cendek Railings, $5,000; Inland Contractin­g, $4,500; and Siva Constructi­on, $4,000.

In total, $100,323 was raised for the Ashton campaign which will now carry a surplus into the next election.

Sayeed and Sahlmark were not nearly as specific in their declaratio­ns. Sayeed listed BC-NDP and Penticton constituen­cy, and Sahlmark the Green Party Political Associatio­n for the majority of individual donations.

(The Herald has made a request to the local riding associatio­n for a list of donors during the campaign and a reply is expected today.)

The NDP and BC Liberal candidates both supplied reports from independen­t auditors.

In Boundary Similkamee­n, BC Liberal incumbent Linda Larson spent $68,560 on her campaign. Independen­t Peter Entwistle had expenses totaling $3,904, and Green candidate Vonnie Lavers, $1,185.

NDP candidate Colleen Ross was one of several candidates in B.C. who received an extension on the filing deadline due to extenuatin­g circumstan­ces.

Larson won the riding with 9,513 votes (42.8 per cent). Ross was second at 7,275 (32.7 per cent); Entwistle third, 3165 (14.24 per cent); and Lavers fourth, 2,274 (10.2 per cent).

To view all declaratio­ns visit:

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 ?? Penticton Herald file photo ?? Candidates in the Penticton riding are pictured at The Herald’s All-Candidates forum held at the Penticton Lakeside Resort.
Penticton Herald file photo Candidates in the Penticton riding are pictured at The Herald’s All-Candidates forum held at the Penticton Lakeside Resort.

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