Penticton Herald

Take pride in your beach


Dear Editor: Re: Wayne Llewellyn’s letter “Pay to clean up your own beach” (Herald, Aug. 3).

Mr . Llewellyn, thank you so much for what I consider courage to bring up this concern. Most people are afraid to voice their opinions on important matters such as this fearing they will be looked at as racially bigoted. This has nothing to do with “racial bigotry” but has everything to do with what’s right and what’s wrong.

The day I read in the Penticton Herald that we the taxpaying citizens of Penticton would be paying the cost of cleaning up Airport Beach I thought I had truly misread the article. So I read it again. And yet again. It was true. This beach is owned by a Penticton Indian Band member and is not within Penticton’s City limits.

You would like to think that the PIB would have pride in the land they own and would automatica­lly want to keep it neat and clean as well as being good neighbours with Penticton. So giving them the benefit of the doubt (PIB) did the City of Penticton first consult with the PIB to get them to clean up this eyesore beach area? After all this large beach area is at the immediate south entrance to the City of Penticton and on PIB land. Or did our City of Penticton council just volunteer our tax dollars to clean up this privately owned land that’s not even within city limits? What’s really going on here? Favours for favours. If so hopefully they are legitimate. I hate to say it , but I wonder.

Can someone from the City please inform us taxpaying citizens what procedure they followed that lead to the City of Penticton paying the cost of the clean up.

I’m surprised that this topic has not had more concerned citizens writing into the Penticton Herald. What has happened here is just not right.

Come on people, stick up for yourselves and voice your concerns. Let council know how wrong they were in this matter.

Wayne Murphy


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