Penticton Herald

Stop blaming everyone else


Dear Editor: Here we go again! People are continuing to ignore signage on the Channel but are so quick to blame others for their own blatant disregard of the rules and their own stupidity.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading (Herald, Aug. 23) where a lady “noticed” a sign featuring several warnings but didn’t think much of it as she’d gone down the Channel in similar fashion (flotation devices tied together) before without incident. Are you kidding me?

And I’m supposed to be concerned when these people run into serious trouble, thereby causing danger to those who rescue them? Maybe there isn’t a sign every five feet but before you do something, whatever it may be, read the rules! Before you condemn me for stating my opinion, I’ll admit that in my 76 years on this earth I’ve done stupid things but I have owned up to it and not put the blame on anyone else. Maybe it’s time for others to do the same thing.

I’m also sorry to hear of the rash of break-ins and robberies (Herald, Aug. 23) but only we can do something to stop this. Why do you leave your wallet in your vehicle in an unlocked garage? Isn’t that inviting trouble?

Thieves will always find a way to gain entry but we can make it harder for them. Keep your wallet in a safe place in the house — not in your vehicle! You might have to spend a few extra seconds out of your very busy day to pick up the wallet and put it in your pocket before leaving the house. I’m so sorry for all the trouble this might cause you.

People have to stop blaming everybody else and take some responsibi­lity for their own actions. It’s always so much easier to blame someone else I guess. Mavis Creech Penticton

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