Penticton Herald

Small acts can still have big impacts


Back on Feb. 19, 2018, there was an article in the Penticton Herald, by the Canadian Press, about Rebecca Schofield, an 18year-old girl from Riverview, N.B. Although some may have read the article, it is worth lifting up her story again.

As the article stated, she “turned a terminal prognosis (brain cancer) into an online movement that has inspired acts of kindness across the globe.”

Her family said, “Her legacy is not all the good that came our way. It is the thousands of acts of kindness that grew exponentia­lly outward from our home in Riverview, spreading across North America and beyond.” Those many acts of kindness shown toward Rebecca and her family “helped sooth all of our souls.”

Premier Brian Gallant, in a Facebook post, extended his condolence­s to “family, friends, and all those who have been touched by this amazing young woman.” And Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke about her “bravery, volunteeri­sm and inspiring commitment to community.” The article noted: “Even in mourning, her supporters say they will continue to carry out her final request - sharing acts of kindness on social media because #BeccaToldM­eTo (her hashtag slogan).”

After finding out from doctors that she had only months to live, Schofield said to her many Facebook followers, “I want to create a mass of acts of kindness. It can be as big or small as you’d like. Donate to charity, volunteer your time, or even just do the dishes without your parents asking.”

She asked people to post their good deeds to social media, using the hashtag “#BeccaToldM­eTo.”

As the article said, “The request soon went viral, with people as far away as Australia performing acts of kindness in Schofield’s name.”

And her mother said that her daughter’s very simple message – of being kind – “brought out the best in people.”

There is a random acts of kindness website which had numerous quotes, encouragin­g us to show kindness in our everyday lives.

To mention just a few: “A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money,” by John Ruskin.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted,” Aesop.

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see,” by Mark Twain.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world,” by Desmond Tutu.

Each one of us is able to show acts of kindness toward others. We only need the will to do it. May it be so for us! Harvie Barker is a Penticton resident and writer of inspiratio­nal messages. He’s the author of the book, A Good Word in Season Volume 8, now available at the front desk of The Penticton Herald for $10 with all proceeds to local charity.

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